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Mod to let me summon more than one creature?


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Thanks guys,


Sorry for wasting your time, I just couldn't see what I was looking for.


I've settled for Mental Elfz War Summons which gives some nice options. Takes a bit of self control though not to just spam dozens of Daedra or Lichs', but I like the Targetting spell it has.




(P.S - I've been having issues trying to download Mountain Tower Mod, does anyone have another link to it that I can use a Download Manager on?)

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I know you saids you settled but I am tossing out what I use just in case. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...tail&id=601

It is phinix master summon; it is one spell literally gives you all original summons but divided into two worlds: upper (Animals and humoniod creatures) and under world (Deadra and undead creatures.) You can summon as many as you can afford and after the timer goes out they don't vanish, but instead your mana slowly drains away. With careful planning you can go forever without losing any; I normally go 3 guardian skeleton and two archers, and a lich for bosses.


Edit and they are all in one spell so your other 8 slots can go to other spells.


Edit just noticed they updated i need to get it., so ya their is SI summons now to.

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