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Custom Companions and Clothing Request


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Hello, as you guys may know, I am BerlinRunner and I've been working extensively on my mod since last year, called the "The Great Baron: A Fallout Conversation-Expansion Mod." It's made some serious progress from when I left off last summer, and its shaping but I do need some help from the mod community, if that attainable. Essentially, I'll keep it brief.




Firstly, and possibly the easiest of the things I ask for is this; If you guys remember, the movie "Drive," with Ryan Gosling, then you surely remember the signature jacket he wore. Basically, in the game there is a small gang (almost unmemorable as the rest of the small gangs in the game), who are called "The Scorpions." They play a major part in the Arizona/Nogales level in the mod, and I would like a jacket done, if possible resembling like the jacket from the movie, except black.


Example, and preferably, what I would want it to look like, in this link; http://www.celebswear.com/products/Ryan-Gosling-Drive-Scorpion-Black-Jacket.html


Secondly, these things kind of go hand in hand but if you can do one or the other, that would be great. Basically I need a cosmonaut space suit, a retextured Chinese commando uniform with the Soviet Flag replacing the Chinese one, and a ushanka, which are the hats they wear in Russia.


Example of what a Ushanka looks like,



Example of a Soviet flag



Example of a cosmonaut space suit

http://www.thefoxisblack.com/2013/02/01/space-suit-of-the-week-120/ - How I want the helmet to look

http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-astronaut-image16526060 - suit 1 OR

http://www.ketzer.com/original_movie_props/armageddon_suit.html - Suit 2, but obviously more "Soviet' and "Communist" than Armageddon


Lastly, and this may be a tall order, but it would definitely help is I need one of the mantis from the game, with some glasses, and an Eyebot with either maybe a mustache and a cowboy hat OR like an actually instead of having that black sphere behind the gridiron, you could one of the tv's from OWB with the eyeball like Dr. Klein, etc. had. if that makes sense.



All help will be appreciated, even if one of these requests are filled, that will help me immensely, and make it a step closer to me getting this mod out to you guys.

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If you're talking about the Chinese Jumpsuit, can't do a re-texture of that and bring it into New Vegas since FNV does not come with the files for the Chinese Jumpsuit. Only FO3 does and there are rules against porting FO3 only content over to FNV.


As for the jacket, would a scorpion on either the jackets from the Boomer Flightsuit or the Kings Outfit do the job? I ask because the the jackets for either outfits are probably already out on the Nexus somewhere with free and open permissions to modify.

Edited by dangman4ever
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@Dangman4ever, I have my own version of the "Scorpion" jacket I'm using as a buffer at the moment, but needless to say, I'm not the greatest at retextures. I did, however use the King's Outfit, and it seemed to work well, and I like how it looks on the character. If there is a way you, or anyone else can retexture it, with scorpion, of course, but also make it more unique from the Kings outfit, that would be perfect.



As for the chinese jumpsuit, is it possible to essentially do something like this then, rather than just retexturing the chinese jumpsuit?


Link for Soviet Soldier Uniform - http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/365/f/5/soviet_army_uniforms_54_by_peterhoff3-d3652g4.jpg

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Possible? It's actually been done before:



Those outfits are from this mod:



Looks like the creator is MIA though. However, for your mod, you can just have users download the original mod and not actually include that outfit as part of your mod's download file. That's exactly what this FNV mod did and it's still up on the Nexus:

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Interesting, thank you, dangman, lol. You always seem to save the day :thumbsup:



Now, that just leaves me with my predicament with the scorpion jacket because I cannot find it anywhere on the nexus.

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