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Delayed damage


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While I am no novice to this game, this version has the most mods installed at one time. As such, I expected some problems (like how the game will crash in the denerem market at random, forcing me to reload a game outside the market, then the market save), but that was to be expected. As a regular Skyrim modder, I am used to crashes.

However, game breaking bugs are another matter. Whenever the battle involves more than a handful of creatures, damage becomes unreliable. As in, the animation will hit the target, then nothing will happen for three to five seconds. When fighting mages while using Mana Clash, this turns an amazing ability into rubbish, since they will take this time getting their own spells off, which I would swear are faster than mine, but that might be the rage talking.

At this moment I am attempting a reinstall, hoping that plus some select mod alteration might fix the problem. If anyone know what might be causing this, I would appreciate it.

My mods are:

Dalish elves Beautified

Detailed tooltips

Forced Deathblows

FtG UI mod - more readable fonts

Improved Atmosphere


Lock bash

Make console commands Visible

Morrigan restoration patch

No helmet hack


My untrained senses suspect the texture pack, but if anyone can spot the fatal flaw before I engage in a witch hunt, I would be most grateful.

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Yup. Of the mods on your list, the two known to cause this sort of "takes to long to process/render everything" problem are IA and JB3.

What are your rig's tech specs?


(From personal experience I tend to suspect IA before anything else. I have refused to use it after my first time 'round having to start the game over completely because it had done such irreparable damage. It's a great mod, it just doesn't work or play well with others.)

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In my experience, DAO is stupidly laggy in general, and if you google 'dragon age origins combat lag' you'll a lot of complaints and possible solutions.


In my case, removing JB3 from my install alleviated the problem to some degree. (With that texture pack, some areas, such as the Deep Roads, were unplayable... my FPS was an abysmal 5. Yes, 5!!!!)


I also installed a lag fix by the great LemmingoftheGDA, which made a great deal of difference. (A version of that fix is here on DA Nexus -> Lemmings Refined Combat Lag Reduction DAO and DAA.


Finally, I added several VFX removers to my mod load, and not having all the sparkles and glows on the screen helped immensely.


(edited because spelling duh)

Edited by theskymoves
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Thanks for all the tips! Performing a clean install (still), and with luck, the lag reduction mod, and a loss of textures and atmosphere, the game will be running fine. Many thanks for helping me get a new game ready for inquisition.

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