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Construction set question: How to add buyable furniture?


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I just simply can't seem to find any articles or videos on how to do this. I just want to add furniture to an existing mod house while making the furniture buyable (instead of just magically being there). I'll try to experiment and do what I can while waiting for an answer.


Just to be clear, I'm talking about when you first get a house and it's empty, but you can later buy furniture from a store like in vanilla houses.

Edited by giggityninja
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i didnt check how exactly this is made in vanilla quests but its a enable disable thing

So you place all the furniture you want in your house checked as disabled ,checked as persistent refs too ,give them a nameref

and then you enable them either with a standalone script or from the quest window - example myfurniturechair.enable

in the quest window you can do it from the results box when the quest advances or from the dialog box if you want it with a dialog

Also you can make the merchant sell a note with the furniture you want and in the note add a script like

beginon add or if its a quest script if player.getitemcount note == 1




Edited by kastano
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