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7zip broken files!


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Ive been trying to get some good mods for a while but i keep running into the same problem with 7zip files.

The main mods im (currently) trying to extract are OOO, Xenius Race Compilation, Danis13 BEAUTY FACES v13 Full and others. It starts extracting then comes up with a list of files (mainly meshes and textues) saying "file is broken"


could somebody PLEASE HELP? ive been at this for ages and i cant find any straight answers. I download all my mods from TES Nexus. If somebody who has managed to run one of these mods from a 7zip format could walk me through id be absolutely over the moon.

Thanks in advance :thanks:

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Firstly, how's your internet connection?

I have FCOM, mostly downloaded from PES, due to the size of the files, but I've replaced stuff (MMM, mainly that I can remember but probably others... I'm an eternal twink) from the Nexus with no problems.

Silly question, but have you tried redownloading the files in case the initial downloads were corrupt? I know there were some issues not to long back, but as far as I am aware those issues were retified and everything should be working well.

Xenius Comp I know works well from at least one server as I've D/Led that one lately.

If you're still having problems, link me one of the exact files you're D/Ling, tell me the server (Dallas/Washington, whatever) and I'll download it myself when I get home and see if the problem is at the server end and report it if it is.



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Firstly, how's your internet connection?

I have FCOM, mostly downloaded from PES, due to the size of the files, but I've replaced stuff (MMM, mainly that I can remember but probably others... I'm an eternal twink) from the Nexus with no problems.

Silly question, but have you tried redownloading the files in case the initial downloads were corrupt? I know there were some issues not to long back, but as far as I am aware those issues were retified and everything should be working well.

Xenius Comp I know works well from at least one server as I've D/Led that one lately.

If you're still having problems, link me one of the exact files you're D/Ling, tell me the server (Dallas/Washington, whatever) and I'll download it myself when I get home and see if the problem is at the server end and report it if it is.



Well,a few things that may help pin down my problem.

first, Im certain its not a corupt download. After i got your reply i tried downloading from a few different scources, but run into the same problem.

second, not all files are giving me problems. It seems to only happen with mods that include new meshes and textures, such as new races or weapons and armour.

Third, My internet connections fine, as far as i can tell. Vve got a fair few other smaller mods already downloaded and running without any problems

lastly, its only ever 7zip files that have the problem! Theres probably something really obvious im missing... but hey, wats a noob without problems? :biggrin:


If that still doesnt give any clues, here are a few links


Danis13 Beauty Faces


Xenius Race Compilation


Apachii Hero pt1

Apachii Hero pt2


Thanks, i really appreciate it.

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7-zip, as well as any other unzipping program that supports subfilders can only place subfolders where the author had them at the time he zipped the mod. Sometimes if they are not set up right, the subfolders get put into the wrong places.


First, before attempting any troubleshooting make a backup of your data folder - make a new subfolder, name it something like old_data. Copy your data folder into it. It doesn't matter where this backup is.


Now, look at the data folder (the original one, not the backup) and see if there are any folders like an extra data folder (Oblivion\data\data)

If so, your missing stuff is probably in that second data folder.

Inside that second data folder you will probably find a meshes folder and a textures folder that have the stuff you have lost.


MOVE the textures folder from the second data (data\data\textures) into the first data folder. Just drag and drop it. As there is already an existing textures folder, you may get a message about overwriting - IGNORE it and answer yes to overwrite - it dosn't really overwrite, it actually appends the new stuff. It should automatically create a new folder inside the data\textures folder with the name of the mod, and put the textures from that mod into it.


Do the same thing with the meshes and any other subfolders.


Now test it. If it works, you are home free.

If it managed to really bork everything, you can always delete the entire data folder and revert to the backup.

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Ok, now if it looks like ive misunderstood you, just let me know

I did have the problem you mentioned once, where i had a mesh folder inside another mesh folder, and it stopped a mod from working. The downloaded file's mesh folder had a typo, so instead of merging with my Oblivion/data/meshes folder, it created a new one inside. I did basically what you suggested and it fixed the problem.


I think my problem is totally different. I have a 7zip file that i've downloaded, but when i open it with 7zip file manager and press extract, it comes up with a list of files with the error "file is broken". Is this something different or have i just misunderstood what you meant?

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I have been using 7-zip for several years and have never seen the problem you are describing. The only ways I can see having a 'broken file' would be a corrupt or incomplete download.


If this only happens on large files, Is it possible your download is being terminated before it finishes? Some firewalls (zone alarm is one) have a lock out that blocks the internet connection when the screen saver starts. It can be disabled on zone alarm.


Have you tried with another browser I use Firefox, and I know many members use IE with no problems. It's also possible your ISP limits the size of downloads - not very common in the US.

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