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FWE broken textures


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It seems in FWE I can't get the assests to load. This is mainly with classic fallout weapons. IE the desert eagle, tommy gun, cattle prod, etc. I have downloaded the assests file, but maybe I'm not installing it right? I just copy and paste the folders into DATA, right? I use FOSE and FOMM when starting the game. I also have the MMM patch installed as well.


Other textured I've noticed missing are the Feral Dog, Molerat, and Bloatfly.

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I had the same problem before, try reinstalling MMM mod. Do not drag the whole data folder, open it up and then drag individually, for example textures, sounds, meshes, etc... This usually happens when you drag and drop mods that are big in size. Also remember to toggle archive invalidation again after reinstalling the mod. You need to check the .esp files too at the load order.
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