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What are your favorite in-game quotes?


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Leliana: I am a woman and I reserve the right to be inconsistent!


That has to be one of my least favorite, mainly because I hear it often here at home. :biggrin:


Reminds me of what Al says when you meet her in Lothering. "More crazy? I thought that we were all full up".

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I just had a new one I have never heard. It's from my HMN using the cocky soundset. I was about 20% health left when the battle was finished. Next thing I hear my character saying, "I see I bested them while unconscious. I am THAT amazing."
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Experience warden: "My Warden senses are tingling"


Warden Man, Warden Man

Does whatever a warden can

His chick spins webs, all the time

Catches crooks, just like flies

Look out! Here comes the Warden Man...


(I love the Spider Man reference)

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Experience warden: "My Warden senses are tingling"


Warden Man, Warden Man

Does whatever a warden can

His chick spins webs, all the time

Catches crooks, just like flies

Look out! Here comes the Warden Man...


(I love the Spider Man reference)


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?


Where is that?


I have missed that severely and I have done it all severely.

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When you have a experience or wise voice set and meet several enemies, one of the battle quotes is "My Warden senses are tingling". The song is just extra credit, if you know the original song from the Spider Man series.
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Demon/Conner: "What do you think, Uncle?"

Jester/Bann Teagan: "Maaaaar... malade! <giggle>"


When I heard the beginning of "Maaaar..", I was so expecting "...velous", that I almost sputtered my drink all over my keyboard!


And I really enjoyed the sickly sweet slur that the VA for Demon/Conner put into almost every word referring to someone else: "Father", "this Man/Woman [the Warden]", "YOU!"


[ Removed "Spoiler" switch for the following bit, had forgotten that this is the "Spoiler" Thread! ]


I didn't enjoy the female Desire Demon behind Conner's Possession (once revealed) nearly as much, although I believe it's the same VA for the DD of the "Ensorcelled Templar" in the Circle. That DD scene totally worked for me!

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