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What are the names of the .kf's used for the Assault Rifle (Americ


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Well it's like this, the weapon I'm using needs to have it's own hand grip animations, and it uses the vanilla g3assault rifle animations. The problem is, is that I cant find the .kf's in the _male folder or 1stperson folder that match the Assault Rifle (american) animations, (ie, 2haattackloop, ect).


So what I'm asking is, can someone list the .kf's that are used for the assault rifle? Thanks!

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Uh, what I heard was that kind of stuff is hard coded. Say you knew which .Kf it was, you put it in the mesh. Then go in-game it's still going to use the same grip based off what the mesh is, an how it's set up in the GECK. The way they told me is that you can even delete the .kf from the mesh an it's still going to play in-game. Then since it's hard coded data inside the game engine itself. It's not really up for editing or mix an match. But you can play out custom weapon animations with FOSE scripts, which probably isn't as hard as it sounds.


You should find a guide on how to do this. I use nifscope for it.

Anyhowz, say I have a shotgun mesh that for one reason or another I need to use the G3 animations. I extract the vanilla G3 mesh from the .BSA an throw it on the desktop, then I'll put the shotgun on the desktop as well. Open the Vanilla G3 first, minimize it, then open the shotgun.



I'll then maximize them both an switch between them using the tabs in the taskbar. I'd probably start with the main shape, which usually is at the bottom. At first you'll probably want to start out just right clicking shapes in the render window until you've seen the block list enough to know a bit about it. Anyhow, that main shape (the frame or where the player holds on to it) For the shotgun it's going to be something like CombatShotgun:0 , it's not a bad idea to check for extra data in there, but you would need to know what extra is in order to do that.


Block list, block details, view-show blocks in tree









I reckon anything else besides that is extra, but there could also be hidden data in there. But you don't run into that very often. So it's pretty safe to just block/copybranch on something like above which is just the sub-branch, material, texture, an shape. Then move to the G3 find the main shape an block/remove branch, then at the top of the block list you right click whatever is there an block/paste branch which puts the shotgun branch at the bottom, but it's named something wack like ProjectileNode:0 or BSX or BallzOnMyFace:0 something totally wack. So at this point since it automaticly highlights whatever you just pasted in in the block list, then it's also displayed in the block details at the bottom, the top entry in the block details you can right click an edit text, then scroll down to what the main shape for the G3 was named, which is something like G3assaultrifle:0, it's better to scroll down an just pick what's already entered into the .nif for available names, you could name it whatever you like, but that's messy an who knows what fallout will think it is. If it's named G3AssaultRifle:0 then I know that fallout knows that it's the main part of the G3 Assault Rifle even though it's a funky shotgun, but stuff like this mostly yeilds better performance when working with Semi-Auto weapons.




Now since it's a good time to bring it up, take the chinese assault rifle, it has more than one main part, which are named something like






And so on for the 3 parts that make up the main part of the weapon


Say I want to add a supressor/silencer to this G3 shotgun thingy I'm making, it's a non-animated part an also an addon to the main part, so instead of naming it what it actually is, since it's an add on to the main part, I'll just follow that same thinking.


G3AssaultRifle:0 <-----My funky shotgun

G3AssaultRifle:1 <-----Silencer


or if my funky shotgun has 6 main parts that make up the frame.










That's really







scope or whatever





I said start with the main frame part first because of the next part.



The animated parts, like the slide, trigger, hammer, clip, well you have to paste the branch for those inside the sub-branch for that part of the tree. The main part of the weapon is usually it's own sub-branch of the tree, I.E. G3AssaultRifle:0 and why it's pasted on the item in the very top.


Let's take the clip for example, there's a sub branch named Magazine, open that part of the tree up, an you'll see there's also a Magazine:0 Which depending on what you want as the clip you would go copy that branch either in your funky shotgun mesh or totally different mesh, anyhow, instead of pasting it on the item in top of the block list, you would right click an paste it inside that sub-branch named Magazine, an then yeah you would have to change the name for it in the block details.



These animated parts you can even have more than one shape inside and the animation will still play. For an example a 10mm pistol which has a scope attached to the slide. The slide sub-branch is there, open it up you see Slide:0, then just copy an paste your second piece in on that slide sub-branch, which puts it in there with the Slide:0, change the name for the newly pasted 2nd part to Slide:1, then when the weapon is fired the slide moves back, an the scope you pasted in moves to, or maybe it has a mount so


Slide (sub-branch of tree opened up)

Slide:0 (actual slide)

Slide:1 (scope mount)

Slide:2 (scope)



An the whole thing slides back when fired an hits you in the eye, ouch, ouch dang, ouch. Maybe you have a multi piece magazine, or maybe want a silencer to slide back, you get the idea.




Things will get moved around a bit, but most of the time the block list being a little out of order or not exactly like the vanilla version, maybe in vanilla the one at the bottom is the main G3AssaultRifle:0, but in my newly pasted version the one at the bottom is ProjectileNode, it should be okay, so long as you changed the names to what they should be, then all the animated parts are in the sub-branches for them, which are the main things. You can always open up the vanilla mesh again without closing the one you've pasted stuff into, an make them look identical if you wanted to, so long as they are close it' good enough for me though.


There is a whole lot more room for error in the assault rifle an SMG meshes, you can pretty much just mess them all the way up totally an they'll still work like they should in most cases. Semi-Auto, and the split top weapons or revolvers is where it turns into hard work, but it's exactly the thing that is going to make the weapon have high performance like real world like semi-auto double taps.



While you are copying branches from your "funky shotgun" or whatever, you can also remove the branch so that you are sure you got all the pieces, or when you are close to done remove all the branches for the shapes one at a time looking for hidden parts inside it.


Then also sometime when you do this you'll get a crash when you create the item in GECK, so by habit I usually just do it anyway, but it's always a good idea to update all the tangent spaces on each of the items, right click them, then batch, then update tangent spaces, even further you can also use the spells tab, and either stripafiy all shapes, or switch between triangulate an stripify, which changes the shapes from NiTriShapesData to NiTriStripsData, which depending on what it is, will work one way or the other, but strips usually will take up less actual raw data size in the finished mesh, smaller size is more peformance.


Wait there's more, zomg...


Okay so about that GRIP. The actual Grip of the player on the weapon doesn't really change that much. You can tell from looking at the weapons, like the combat shotgun or lincoln rifle, the grip is built into the frame so the hand is kind of at a 45 degree angle, then on a assault rifle it has an actual Grip which is at 90 degrees. Copy an pasting one mesh into a different vanilla mesh is to change that part, either the 90 degree one or the ergo 45 degree one, after that the rest of the grip is done manually. Things you might have to do to fix a grip.


1. Rotate all the parts of a mesh by a few degrees


2. Move all the parts of a mesh up or down a few clicks, in 0.5000 isn't a bad way to start, but the 1.0000 isn't either, you kind of take a guess


3. Scale the verts on one two or all of the axis, in order to make the weapon shorter/longer wider/skinny Taller/shorter But you should save the mesh before you start, because you can't always tell how much to scale it, or which Axis you need to scale


If you do rotate a part of a mesh, then you'll need to right click it afterwards, an batch, update tangent spaces, in the faint hope that it will move on the X, Y, And Z 90 degree axis rather than move somewhere in between, which can't always be avoided, just means more work.




I use the ability to toggle vanity mode on or off, via groovatron, and then the console command TFC (toggle free camera) to check an adjust grips.

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