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Black faces, white bodies


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Having a weird problem where my NPCs face colors don't match the skin on their chest, arms, legs, etc. My black NPC for example has practically albino arms. Confirmed that his race is set to african american, and weird still, in the GECK he appears as expected - the problem is only apparent in-game.


Any ideas?



Note: not using any mods apart from the one I'm working on, so there shouldn't be a conflict in that sense. Also, not armor related - issue occurs regardless of what the NPC is wearing, or even in their underwear.

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Having a weird problem where my NPCs face colors don't match the skin on their chest, arms, legs, etc. My black NPC for example has practically albino arms. Confirmed that his race is set to african american, and weird still, in the GECK he appears as expected - the problem is only apparent in-game.


Any ideas?



Note: not using any mods apart from the one I'm working on, so there shouldn't be a conflict in that sense. Also, not armor related - issue occurs regardless of what the NPC is wearing, or even in their underwear.


Interracial NCP's?

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Kay, confirmed that the only custom files in the data folder are my own. Also discovered that the problem is only in my cell. Even with my mod loaded, if I go visit megaton, the NPCs there are fine. Does that mean I did something wrong when I created the NPCs in the first place...?
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heh find all the face textures for the different races, then unpack them from the .BSA with FOMM Selecting more than one thing, you can extract to the desktop, which the data path will be extracted too an folders created there Then move that into the actual data folder, but check it first, see if they match, an if theres stuff in there, if the folders are already there just follow them down an drop the textures where they should be.


I had black hands, an did this which fixed it.



Then you've removed your archive invalidation invalidated, toggled off, or whatever which means that only the textures in your .BSA will be used, until you apply the Archive invalidation invalidated.




So in the case that my custom created face texture (which is nothing like the vanilla texture) Which I wouldn't want to overwrite by unpacking the vanilla texture an replacing it in order to change black hands to the correct race whatever it is To fool the archive invalidation, you just refresh the last modified date, which you can do a few different ways open it an re-save the custom texture, or copy an paste it to the desktop then drag an drop it back in.


Then you know it could just be a glitch find the Npc, press Esc, press ~ then click on the npc, so it prid's it, (you should see it's form id at the top middle of the screen) then type







or if you wanted to have some fun









which might reset it, idk?


I don't know what they are doing now days, but the old rules were to only use one mod which changes eyes, race, hair, body something like that, but to tell the truth I don't really use much if any of that. I have an eye mod, that's it. heh They are merging them but it's complex an I'm far to lazy an busy working on double tap like semi-auto fire.


Then also you should try to duplicate it by starting a new game.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the info, Mechine - hasn't fixed it yet, but still trying.


In the meantime, I've done a fresh install and confirmed it does have something to do with my own content, not a leftover effect of some past mod.


Also, not sure why I thought otherwise at some point (or maybe something changed) but the issue IS PRESENT in the GECK as well as in-game, which leads me to think whatever I screwed up, I probably screwed it up when I was making the NPCs in there to begin with.




*sigh* I'm six days from beta testing and just figured out this issue is definitely caused by my own content

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