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Black faces, white bodies


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I am surprised you haven't come across the solution for this problem. There are two and they are mutually exclusive - if one doesn't fix it, the other will. And without futher delay, here are the solutions:


Mismatched Face/Body:

The mismatched face/body bug can be fixed by one of these two solutions:


1) On the NPC data page, select the 'Can be all Races" flag.

2) Turn your mod into an ESM via a tool such as FO3Plugin or FO3Edit.


Note that once you turn your mod into an ESM, you won't be able to edit it with the Geck any more. Most of us with this problem just live with it until release time then turn the mod into an ESM for uploading. Once that is done, turn the mod back into an ESP to continue working on it for later versions, if need be.

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Having a weird problem where my NPCs face colors don't match the skin on their chest, arms, legs, etc. My black NPC for example has practically albino arms. Confirmed that his race is set to african american, and weird still, in the GECK he appears as expected - the problem is only apparent in-game.


Any ideas?



Note: not using any mods apart from the one I'm working on, so there shouldn't be a conflict in that sense. Also, not armor related - issue occurs regardless of what the NPC is wearing, or even in their underwear.


I had this problem with NPC’s I created in a cell until I made my Mod an ESM and all the texture problems went away

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Having a weird problem where my NPCs face colors don't match the skin on their chest, arms, legs, etc. My black NPC for example has practically albino arms. Confirmed that his race is set to african american, and weird still, in the GECK he appears as expected - the problem is only apparent in-game.


Any ideas?



Note: not using any mods apart from the one I'm working on, so there shouldn't be a conflict in that sense. Also, not armor related - issue occurs regardless of what the NPC is wearing, or even in their underwear.


This is a known issue with new NPCs. Once you are done with your mod, you need to convert it to an esm by setting the master bit and changing the extension, or if you want to run it as an esp, you must run FO3Masterupdate that just sets the esm bit. The Geck won't allow you to edit a file if the bit is set, so you have to toggle it off to edit your mod further. The NPC will appear with the proper skin tone in-game if you do this.


FO3Edit is the tool that many use for this - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637

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