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Game crash


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I am running the steam version of oblivion and basically my problem is when i load up oblivion i get a small black box which keeps flashing up onto the game screen which is mildly annoying to say the least. Then after around 15 - 20 mins of gameplay oblivion will shut itself down claming an fatal error.


I am using the following mods



Unoffical oblivion parth

unoffical shivering iseles patch

all DCL and DCL unoffical patch

Adonnays Elven weaponry


knights - unoffical patch



Darnified 1.3.2



I think its a graphics card issue when i initially installed the game it said my graphics card device wasnt supported.


My system specs are

E6600 @ 2.4 Ghz

8800 GTX 0C2 BFG tech

2 GB OCZ ram

No sounds card


Error recieved


AppName: oblivion.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll

ModVer: 5.1.2600.5755 Offset: 00011689

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If your graphics card is not supported, and it is newer than the game, it just means the game will set it to the lowest possible value and you will have to set your graphics parameters manually if you want to play at a higher graphics level. The game makers couldn't program in support for a graphics card that didn't exist at the time.


If you keep getting something besides the game onscreen, is it possible you are running in windowed instead o full screen mode? And you are getting a popup of some kind from another program that is running in the background.


15 or 20 minutes before a crash can mean an overheating video or other component, or a bad ram chip.


Here is a link to Bben's Crash Help


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Theres no overheating with my graphics card or ram chip everything else runs fine its just oblivion that crashes after 20 minutes.


I am not running in windowed mode i am in full screen mode and the black box keeps appearing even when i do not have anything running in the background. Sometimes this black box dissapears and it stays gone for around 15 - 20 mins once ago and then crashes with the error posted above.

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AppName: oblivion.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll

ModVer: 5.1.2600.5755 Offset: 00011689

This error message is caused by a number of things, namely corrupt drivers, Windows issues, and a damaged ntdll.dll file itself.


Go here for a complete description of the problem and solutions.



One thing it does say on that page is it could be a problem with the program you're trying to run (Oblivion), especially it it only happens with the game and no other programs. You may have to reinstall the game. I have no idea about the Steam version and what that will involve though.


As bben46 said though your card is newer than the game so you need to manually adjust your settings.


Where you say no sound card installed, I'm assuming you have an integrated soundcard on the motherboard. If that's the case you might benefit from this mod. It replaces hard coded creature foot sounds that cause problems for many systems, but not the one you're currently having.


Quiet Feet Max


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  • 2 weeks later...

I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game 3 different times. I also made sure that my drivers are up to date as i was linked to that EXACT same post before and have already pretty much tried everything although i wouldn't know how to cure a corrupt ntdll.dll file


Only steps from that page i have not yet tried are 5,6,8,11 and 12. And 12 is to reinstall windows and i don't really want to have to go through a lot of hassle to reinstall windows when there's no guarantee it will make oblivion work ....

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I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game 3 different times. I also made sure that my drivers are up to date as i was linked to that EXACT same post before and have already pretty much tried everything although i wouldn't know how to cure a corrupt ntdll.dll file


Only steps from that page i have not yet tried are 5,6,8,11 and 12. And 12 is to reinstall windows and i don't really want to have to go through a lot of hassle to reinstall windows when there's no guarantee it will make oblivion work ....

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Can you get oblivion to work without any of the other mods?


all DCL and DCL unoffical patch



The Frostcraight Reborn link has this message:


ALSO: The Unofficial Oblivion Patch for Frostcrag should NOT be used in conjunction with Frostcrag Reborn. Many people have mentioned extreme problems when this is tried.
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  • 1 month later...

I see your specs listed, but I don't recognize them. How old is your video card? How powerful?


Do you play any other video games even comparable to Oblivion in terms of processing power, graphics requirements, or memory?


Have you manually increased the graphics? How high? Max settings or lower?



I'm just going out on the limb, but it sounds to me like your video, memory, or processor is overheating.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I see your specs listed, but I don't recognize them. How old is your video card? How powerful?


Do you play any other video games even comparable to Oblivion in terms of processing power, graphics requirements, or memory?


Have you manually increased the graphics? How high? Max settings or lower?



I'm just going out on the limb, but it sounds to me like your video, memory, or processor is overheating.


My specs are not that bad its only like 1 year old or so 8800 GTX was the flagship graphics card of the 8th series from Nvidia lol its a bit old now but it still performs better then most of the 9000 series cards. I have played other games comparable to oblivion in power and they run just fine

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