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Please help the new kid :)


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Hi there, I've noticed that modding for DAO is different with Steam users in some cases. For instance some mods I download require DAUpdater.exe which I believe is included with the standalone DAO game? It has something to do with Steam being responsible for updating DAO for me. Second question to this is, is it a good idea to just buy the original packaged game? I just paid $7 for my Steam version and I love DAO so much I'd even spend release date price for it...Kidding. Another question I have is for a Windows 8 user regarding setting default programs for internet downloads. On some of the mods I encountered on Nexus, I experienced after download that a window would pop up asking what program I would like to use to open the file. What? I'm not tech savvy. From what I understand my WinRAR or 7zip opens the files after download. Since that happened I selected my "DAO Modmanager" since it was a dazip file. I know, bad choice. Now everytime I download it keeps opening DAOModmanager. Hardly a Nexus issue, but can another Windows 8 user help me correct this? Thanks!!!

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Ok, lots going on there. I only have time to address a few things, but I'll add more later.


1) No need for any other version. With some minor changes (mostly to folder paths) everything works the same; retail disc, Steam, EA/Origin, GameStop, other.


2) Read this article: Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies. You're right. This isn't like modding TES games. There are at least three different common categories of mods, each of which has to be handled in a different manner.


3) As for downloading mods from this site and what to do with them... Did you notice the big pop-up that said "If you don't know what to do with a ".zip", or ".7z", or ".rar" file, click here? That would be an instance where "we're more likely to help those who help themselves".


4) I happen to use the DAO-ModManager (DAMM) for those mods it can handle, but no manager can handle all the types for DAO.


Modding games is, by definition, not playing "out of the box". If you can't be bothered to read the instructions you are being given, then we can't be bothered either. Most of time using and making mods is trial-and-error. Game publishers don't produce "How to mod our game" manuals (although some come closer than others.) But it's really up to you to take the initiative.


Not saying you're in the "spoon-feed me" camp, just warning you that if you start off with that kind of plea, you'll get less assistance. :wink:

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