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Two questions

iTz Rossss X

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Hey guys,


Thanks for clicking on this post.


I have two questions, one of which is really bugging me.


Basicly, in the G.E.C.K i've made my own terminal that is designed to turn off a force field. The item result box says this:

"000PrivateVaultForceFieldGlow01REF.disable 000PrivateVaultForceFieldGlowSTATIC01.disable"

I've placed editor REF's on the objects and checked them as a persistant reference but this message still shows up:


"SCRIPTS: Script

'000PrivateVaultForcefieldConsole01MenuItem0ResultScript', line 1:

Script command "000PrivateVaultForceFieldGlow01REF.disable not



I'm sure that "REF.disable" is the correct line to disable an object but it's just not working.


Please help!


Also, my other question is: What is "vanilla"? Not the ice-cream, but something to do with oblivion and fallout, I hear alot about it but I don't know what it is. Question answered


Thanks in advance.



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I don't know how to answer your first but I can answer the second.


Vanilla basically means plain and without any extras or adornments. As in original, no mods, no add-ons. An example, "Vanilla Fallout" does not contain any nudity.

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You need to double click on the force fields you want disabled and make sure under Reference Editor ID you name them. In this case 000PrivateVaultForceFieldGlow01REF and 000PrivateVaultForceFieldGlowSTATIC01, respectively. Have you done that? It's not too clear from your description.


Vanilla just means an unmodified game, or assets from the original game not added by mods.

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Hey guys,


Thanks for the quick replies.


I had to give kudos to Heyy_Adrian because he helped my with my vanilla question, sorry Quetzlsacatanango but he did reply first.


My objects have REF id's and all that but i'm still having no luck. I may have to start from scratch if this problem persists :/


Well, thanks guys.

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