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Oblivion.ini questions.


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So, for the past day and a halfish I have been fiddling with my Oblivion.ini settings and for the most part, I'm quite pleased with the results. For the most part the game runs a bit smoother and everything but I'm compelled to push it further. As of now, I have everything just about where I want it but I seem to be having trouble finding those iPreloadSizeLimit and Multithreading sweet-spots. My goal is to reduce stuttering to a minimum and goes well up until I try to cast a spell or enter a city/building and Oblivion crashes. The only conclusion I can come to is that I'm using too much of my RAM. Any thoughts?


Here is my PC specs, some mods I use and some of my .ini settings.



CPU- AMD 965 clocked at 3.4GHz

RAM- G.Skill 'something-something-something' 4GB

GPU- ATI 5770 clocked at 900MHz and 1350MHz memory

Playing at 1280x1024 in V.Sync (I don't notice a difference performance wise- off or on)


.ini settings:


uInterior Cell Buffer=32

uExterior Cell Buffer=144











If I left out any you find vital to help find a remedy, let me know


Mods: I don't use many so I'll just list the ones that could be having an impact my performance.


Qarl's Textures

Unofficial Oblivion patch

Mida's Magic

Deadly Reflex


Natural Environments


In a nut-shell, I'm trying to make Oblivion run as smooth as possible while looking great but I just can't quite get it. Any Suggestions?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. :thumbsup:

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Oblivion only uses 2GB of RAM unless it is patched to use more. You can find out more about enabling Large Address Aware mode in Oblivion here. You can find a LAA patcher here.


You may also want to check out the website in my signature. You may find some useful suggestions there, including some concerning Tweakguides.com.

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