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help with ingame textures...

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so i finally made my first mod (its a sword - nothing special) and when i import the sword into the game, i can see the meshes but no textures.

i know the textures in the textures folder in the data folder are missing...

but i dont know how to make the textures. i only know the textures are .dds files, but how can i make them?

i textured the sword in blender and i also saw the textures in blender on my sword, but i dont know how to export them into a dds file...

anyone can help me on this?

help will be much appreciated!


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i textured the sword in blender


Do you mean you painted it with the Blender paint tool? If that's the case, in the UV uwrapping screen there should be an option to export the image, but i'm not sure if you need to bake the texture first.

I'll look into that.


If you manage to export the image, you must open it in GIMP or PS or anyother program you use for image manupulation and then save it as a .dds

Of course this isn't all. There's tons of other things you must do first. I'd reccomand check the wiki: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...uring_Tutorials

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no, in the UV map window (i had two windows: one with the mesh in 3d, and another with the UV map thing) i clicked on load image (image/load image).


Then the image with the textures i wanted appeared in the UV map section (it were the two sides of a sword).

then i made the seams of my mesh.


after that, i unwrapped my sword and placed the seams in the UV window, so the texture fitted the sword.


i did not draw anything with the blender paint tool...

i also tried to save the image i used (i just got one from the internet for the beginning) as a .dds file with gimp, but somehow i cant save it as a .dds cuz it seems gimp doesnt support it... :blink:

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oh, :thanks:


and then i just put the .dds file into the textures folder of my mod?

and has it to be the exactly same picture that i used when i textured the seams in blender? i mean i shouldnt change the image (scale it, rotate it) or stuff like that?

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yes it needs to go in the texture folder along with the normal map texture. You realy need the normal maps so check it out on the constwiki (i liked before)

You can resize but only to a size that is a multple number of 512x512 (it can be 1024x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 and so on) I suggest you keep it at 512x512. Don't rotate it, but you can do any change to the colors aslong you then change the normal map texture.

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