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Installed MODs not allowing me to run through OBSE with OBMM


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I have installed a few race-adding mods, which are showing up in my lists, as well as Exnems ECB, some alternate textures for said bodies, and the Mur_Zik walks. For whatever reason, I can't get the game to even start up with the Launch button from OBMM, to go through OBSE instead of default Oblivion. As well, I do NOT, in any instance, using the default Data or OBMM, even so much as receive an option to choose from anything but the default races, even when using the tilde>ShowRaceMenu option. I know I'm doing something wrong, I'm just not certain where I've faltered. Can anyone help? :wallbash:
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You don´t need to start the game from the OBMM Launch button. After you activate your mods in OBMM just close it and launch Oblivion with obse_loader. About the races i´m not sure i can help you but what race mods have you installed?
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Don´t use the launch button from obmm, just use the obse.exe in your oblivion folder.

As to why you can´t see the races... well, if it´s not an obse problem, I´m not sure. But "a few race-adding mods" sounds bad, I guess. Try just checking one at a time, I remember them being a little tricky

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Well, I magically got the Cute Elves race to work, but I haven't the faintest notion why it suddenly decided to pop up as an option. The other ones still don't seem to work properly, and I am also unable to get any of the DLC - Frostcrag, Battlehorn, Spell Tomes, etc. - to load properly. Anyone think that perhaps I should just uninstall, do a clean install, and start over? Also, I'm guessing those particular DLC homes aren't functioning properly, because they all show up red in WryeBash. Has anyone else had a problem with that?
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Well, I magically got the Cute Elves race to work, but I haven't the faintest notion why it suddenly decided to pop up as an option. The other ones still don't seem to work properly, and I am also unable to get any of the DLC - Frostcrag, Battlehorn, Spell Tomes, etc. - to load properly. Anyone think that perhaps I should just uninstall, do a clean install, and start over? Also, I'm guessing those particular DLC homes aren't functioning properly, because they all show up red in WryeBash. Has anyone else had a problem with that?
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Do you have the latest patch? many mods will not work without it.

Also, if you ear using Vista or Win7 - the mod may show in the data list and OBMM list, be checked as active and not work. This is caused by UAC


For Vista related problems such as UAC, Check here:


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