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Can't exit rivet city(Plus other problems)


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[background_story]Ok so I got a new 64-bit Windows 7 computer and installed Fallout 3.[/endstory]


Freezing problem:

It ran well on this computer at first, but after a while it started to freeze. Sometimes freezing after an hour, sometimes after a minute. Switching between WinXP/SP1/2/3 and Vista/1/2 compatability modes helped, but they froze after a while, too.

I've figured that this is because my gfx card (evga gts 250 512 MB) runs UBERLY HOT(113 degrees farenheit the last time I checked, very bad), but I want to make sure it's not a 32-64 problem.


Rivety city problem:

I started the quest "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head". I got the key from dave, and killed Tenpenny. It looked as though the one guy was in Rivet city, judging by the map marker. I went there, and the mapmarker told me to go into one of the decks(Hard to tell which one since all the doors are positioned in THE EXACT SAME X,Y COORDINATES. After a while, it told me to exit Rivet City.

This is where the trouble starts. I exit Rivet City, but just when it ends the loading and is about to go back to the game, it crashes. This happens on all of the exits. Is there any way that I can fix this?


The only way that I was able to leave was by using the teleport device for the underground hideout mod (Which is completely AWESOME, btw) and get to the wasteland from there in Windows XP SP3 mode.

However, I fear that this may not be the last time something like this happens. Like, what if it happens in one of my DLCs? I can't simply teleport, who knows what that would do to the dlc quest!


DLC problem(Last one! Yay!):

There's also another problem with the Mothership Zeta DLC.

When I try to start it, I get into the whole floaty thingy, and it starts to load. But just like in Rivet City, the game just crashes. I tried reinstalling the dlc, and removing my mod clothes, but nothing changed. Any ideas?


This is my second longest post ever on any forum.

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First freezing problem, it'll help if you update your graphics card driver to the latest one. I think the Rivet City exit might be mod related, the important question is what mods have you installed before, sometimes even when the mods are unchecked, they're still there. The game will crash at the particular area if... For example there are missing meshes/textures/mod incompatibility in that particular area. The easiest way to solve this would be to reinstall the whole game and the patching without any mods. Then activate your DLC's, go to Rivet City/play Mothership zeta quest, see if you still get the terrible CTD's.
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Before I did that, I tried to access the character again, but it wouldn't even load. Then, I removed all the mods(Vis Fomm) and used my old, un-modded character. It worked. Redid the mods, still worked on the old one. Went to my the troubled one, and it doesn't work.

I'm starting to think it's the character itself that has the problems. Maybe it's punishment for blowing up megaton D:


I'll try making a new character, with all the mods and such as the current one, to confirm if it's a problem with the character or not.



Also: Thank the lord for Firefox recovery. While I was typing this I overclocked my card to the max(Without thinking, of course) and it crashed my comp...



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Hey look, a mandatory doublepost :D



So I deleted the unofficial patch and 2 other mods. When I tested it (Only for half an hour, had to get off after that) it had not frozen. So, I'm guessing this problem was just from too many mods.


It's amazing how simple these problems can be solved =/



I'll test Zeta tomorrow.

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