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Animated Prostitution Problem


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Ok so my problem is, they do not take off underwear, and also there is no sound to that mod i copied everything to my data folder used that program, clicked on the button, it said "done", maybe i copied sound to the wrong folder (copied to data folder) i couldn't find folder with original F3 voices. :wallbash: Please help me. Now i'm downloading "Rude Body Pack", it should solve underwear problem(but now it has stopped downloading, probably because i have lost fu**ing connection a while ago) but still there will be no sound.
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For sounds you need to change Fallout.ini file within My Documents/My Games/Fallout3, change bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 to bInvalidateOlderFiles=1. I'm assuming you have already downloaded Fem Voice package from the optional section, the animated prostitution does not come with the fem voices. You just need to extract the sound files to E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data.


As for the bodies, I find that Breeze's and Exnem's work pretty well together. Follow this link: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...p;#entry1582166 I already gave someone else a really detailed version on how to install the bodies.

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ok, thanks, you helped me a lot nude mods worked, but still there are no sounds, i've got polish version of the game, maybe that's why it doesn't work, but annoying thing is that when i'm having sex i can't move camera freely, usally when i move camera with the middle button camera shows me the walls, also when i'm in the bed with nova usally i can't get out. But Thanks.
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No problem, glad to help out. ;)


That's too bad about the sound, it doesn't matter with what version you have, the game should read it if you've placed it in. You're not allowed to move the camera when they "do it", I suggest using console code "tfc", just open up console and type that. As for Nova, it is common, just try not to do it with her on the bed. The mod itself is not that stable, pretty bugged. I also stumbled upon another bug once, when you do it with anyone in the game, they'll be naked and never switch back their clothes, open up console and typing "resurrect" should fix that.


Edit : For the sounds, you need to double click "run this for AP to work.exe" in the downloaded voice mod. After you place the sound folder in Fallout 3 install directory.

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Sounds not located in Data/sounds/fx somewhere be it wpn or whatever, won't play unless they are somewhere in that fx folder.




This pervy stuff is complex, an you don't really need it to stick heads on posts after you cut them off out in the wasteland. Which is probably why we don't use that pervy stuff. But the script or whatever which triggers the sound, would still need the sound to be created in GECK in misc/sounds, therefore it would also need to be put in the data/sounds/fx folder in order to be played, or at least for the form ID to be played, you would think a script would just be able to play a raw .wav sound. I wouldn't know. but I do know if it's not in fx it's not getting played in-game or in the GECK.



If it's not that, then you should contact the mod's creator, or reverce engineer the mod, looking at what they did to create it, only making edits so that it actually works, which you could also try installing it again, since most of the time we mess up the install, then you could also just stop being such a total perv. :D kekekekekeek lulz It might even be a good idea to make a new version of the mod which works. Often I find great mods, which are just too simple, an with a little more work, I can have a polished version that works better.

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Just for info: The "run this to get sounds to work or whatever" needs to be run BEFORE you copy the sounds to the directory... No idea why it is that way, but strangely enough it does matter. The .exe might actually patch the .esm/.esp to get the sounds in...


All the ansevers for all possible questions are in the discussion thread for the mod too... No idea why the author hasn't made a short Q&A section to the mod page and readme. Another common problem is non-working animations, which is fixed by using an .esp (included with the mod) instead of the normal .esm...


As for sex being pervy: It's Fallout, prostitution has been in the game from the beginning, making it graphical doesn't change the fact that the world after the bombs is a harsh place to live ;) Atleast the author has kept the mod purely on what could be considered "normal" sex (atleast here in europe), contrary to one other mod that takes the meaning of kinky to a completely new level... :D No flaming intended by the way :)

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Just for info: The "run this to get sounds to work or whatever" needs to be run BEFORE you copy the sounds to the directory... No idea why it is that way, but strangely enough it does matter. The .exe might actually patch the .esm/.esp to get the sounds in...


It worked! Thank you all.

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