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Operation Clean-up


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I am building a simulation a bit like TL - only on a larger scale.

I am looking for people who can help me with some things:

(This list will probably get quite long...)


Clean Bus, Car, Truck + Trailer, Subway, Monorail etc. textures

New Bus Interior mesh with fixed rear end (possibly seperate door mesh or animated door?)

New Truck Trailer mesh with no 'broken' panels

New Truck Trailer back door mesh + texture (animated)

New Monorail Interior with seats(I have seen one before, but wasn't ready for use)


Is there anyway to copy whole sections of the Capital Wasteland into a new worldspace to make it look similar, but new with greenary etc?


I think that will get me started...

If anyone can help with any of the above things I shall be very greatful.


Thanks in advance,

Toxic Wolf

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