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Companion Request


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Hi guys, im not going to lie, i have no idea how to use geck.... I might if it actually worked on my laptop.... but it doesnt... So even if i did know how to use it i couldn't... Sorry just thought id clear that up incase anyone was gonna be an annoying arse about it.


And yes ive heard about something called along the lines of companion vault, but i dont want to download all of that for litterally one companion :P


Yeh so im just doing a request for a companion... Should take a good modder about 5/10 minutes, cause im kl them just using completly vanilla equipment [but let us kno if u used any moded stuff, as i may want it too ;p]


I basically just want to get my best mate [in RL] in the game as a companion,Heres a quick overview of some basic facts....

-HIS name is Joel [surname not required]

-He's 18, so just making an adult comp. will be ace...

-He's from Seirra Leone, but does sprechen die English [Not too bothered on voice, just give him a standard dialogue set pls, so i can interact with him and not just some husk with some of those awful custom lines] :P

-He's Black

-He's ALWAYS has cornrows in xp

-Oh and just to clarify, Joel's a man :blink:


Thats the basics i guess, just a few stats requests if thats kl....

Im not too bothered about his stats but if u could make the main skills focused on:-

-Small guns [obvs.]

-Sneak [We do parkour, so thatd make his guy pretty agile and stealthy i imagine]

-Repair [seriously, u shud meet the lad, he can repair anything]

-If barter means anything to companions put a few points in there, if not chuck it into explosives as he'll find grenades no doubt at some point..... THE FIRST THREE ARE WHERE I WOULD LIKE THE MAJORITY OF POINTS TO GO INTO!!!


AI wise, just make his normal, no leaving me to fight his own battles when im tryna sneak... Just the 'normal' 'guard' AI pls..And leveling up pls, if thats not hard [i dont know :P]



If someone amazing takes this up, can you pls set it up so hes met in one of those slave tents that the muties use??? So u kinda 'rescue' him?? Just a good way to build a friendship i think :P Otherwise just stick him around the bomb in megaton...

But seriously i would prefer the rescue situation much more [sorry if that comes out sounding agitated to anyone]...



If its any help Joel looks kind like this


I cud give a link to his facebook, but sorry guys u dont know whose on the internet .. Besides he'd probably rip my head off :P


I thank you in advanced, if only for reading my post, I would try this myself, but as mention above its just not going to happen...

Ill provide whoever can do it for me with kudos, and i hereby leave any credit for the mod to the creator as i only came up with the idea for what i hope will be a rlly good mod... :D


Again thank you all in advanced, sorry for the long description, but i want to make sure it right :D

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