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Music Problem


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a few months back my in game music stoped working and was replaced with a horrable Click Click Click sound i had to turn down the in game music so i could cope with the problem


None of the music works base explore battle the radio ect



The only thing that seems to work is the exit from vault 101 song and the starting Project Purity




anyone have any idea why this is happening to me? before i try and reinstell fallout


any of the smallest tip on why you think its happeing will get ya kudos. im willing to try anything to get it working again

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Have you been tweaking the .ini file? Can you play the songs manually in desktop?


Here's my suggestion:


1. Update your soundcard drivers.


2. Replace current FO3 songs with other songs, check if the problem persist. If you're able to hear the new songs, means FO3 default songs are corrupted.


3. Edit the fallout.ini (make a backup of the file first)


make sure the following values are set like this:





Default Values for the following entries should be:



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Well bud, all those fancy musics are MP3's, the radio music is .wav isn't it, I guess if one works an one don't then it's a system settings problem.


Which should be located in bethesda/fallout3/ Data/music around theres somewheres, anyway. Heh you could start by double clicking them. Then find the radio stutter thread here on nexus an look in there, which covers mostly all problems with radio an music. When you double click them WMP should open them by default, so the stutter thread says I think, but it says a lot of stuff.





But you know, have you tried starting a new game yet, in order to duplicate the problem?




You could also load your current save game, then fast travel somewheres, spin the camera around, then press Esc an load the save game again, see if the music pops...


The second load is usually yeilds faster game play, which on a taxed CPU would mean the difference between, POP POP POPPY POP POP POPY, and music.



I'll use this method if I have a secondary program running in the background which is playing music, pandora, or WMP, something like that playing music, an I'm testing out something, I'll just double load the save game, so it runs smooth, an doesn't make me have to turn off the music, just to run a stupid in-game test.

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