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Be a parent


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Starts out by adding 'baby' (Marie) to your inventory, lets you choose its gender, name, and grow up speed. You have to care for the baby, giving it food and water, and medicine if it gets sick. After a while it will turn into a lamplighter kid as it grows, as this point it still has its basic needs but needs toys to help morale so he/she doesn't run away. You begin selecting SPECIAL and skills for the child. After a while it grows up and becomes a follower, at which point you can edit the facial appearance.


Possible features I consider optional-


1. Drop baby from inventory to use as a house decoration (still need to care for it or it dies)


2. Courtship dialogue options with opposite sex adults to give you the baby


3. Babysitters that can be paid caps to watch over child while you are away.

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Nice idea, I think no had suggested it before. I myself have thought about having a mod that allows you to raise your own family, have kids etc...

But given to the game's limitation, everything needs to be done from scratch, there's no baby model in Fallout 3, even if someone does manage to make one, it'll look like a statue (inanimate/lifeless) since animators are hard to find.

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I have been working on an adoptable child mod, where you rescue a child during my quest and then have the option to take them home and raise them as your own. Then, based on how you take care of them they will become more social.


There are also different options that would only make sense to you if you knew what my quest is, so I won't go into detail on that here.




I also would have had great progress done on haveing a dynamic family as well, if it wern't for the fact that every single person I have had working on dialogue has quit without any form of notice.


It is incredibly hard to move foward on a mod like this when you don't have someone who understands how to write good dialogue. Between me and Quetzlsacatanango we have the whole system pretty much worked out game wise, and it is just lacking good dialogue to carry the story along.




Animation I can do, but writing good dialogue I can not.

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