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noob new to the toolset


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well i just really wanted to add some plate armour and a two handed sword in to a area.


i followed some tutorials on youtube and the da builder but when they finsh there guides they dont say what you should really do with it.


like one of the tutorials i believe bioware made they stuck a waypoint in and then done some thing in the inspetor panel but i dont know what he did. basically i really just want a good site for a tutorials that have alot of detail.


if someone going to laugh at me becuase i dont what im doing all i have to say is you had to start from some where aswell.

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im not laughing at you for not knowing what you are doing, im laughing at you for thinking this poo is documented properly


and for the record, do take a look at these tuts Jvbanderback or something like that did a GREAT job at making tuts



as for the item, create your item resource (should be self explanatory) in the script, modify the 'give yourself an item' script so that the object you grab is the container you want it in and use a createitemonobject function to place it, this can also work with bodahns inventory



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