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Enhanced Quest Roleplaying Updated: Updates?


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Many hellos and bunches of thank yous for checking my topic.


I am referring to this mod: EQRU


It's latest upload was Jan 2008. In the comments section a user mentions that it breaks quests. I've searched these forums for more info on it and did not find any. I am therefore requesting discourse about it.


My history with the mod is thus: I was introduced to Oblivion in 2007, fully loaded with FCOM convergence, sound and texture overhauls, immersion interfaces, and loads of quest and content mods. (I have never played vanilla oblivion.) The original EQR was among the mods chosen by the person who loaded it for me. It seemed to work just fine.

I had to reload my computer and now Oblivion. We have many, many mods and I am going through them to update and possibly add new. When I looked EQR up I found EQRU.


I love the idea presented in the readme, but I see the mod has not been updated for a couple of years. Does anyone know if the modder is still working on this project? As the mod stands atm, should I load it or stick with the old version? What are your opinions of how EQRU changes the quests?


I thank anyone willing to share with me.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using it and I love it.


It changes little things, but they make all the difference sometimes. The perfect example is, my character couldn't care less about helping all the decent hardworking shopkeeps in IC Market shut down Thoronir. She's all about only the strongest or at least most clever surviving. Besides, Thoronir offers the best deals. It would be stupid to get rid of him.


Well, when Jensine is first telling you about it, Vanilla Oblivion only presents you with the dialogue option "Start from the Beginning". :rolleyes: Now I have to click through a bunch of drivel I could care less about so I can get the hell out of there. It totally breaks immersion. In a game that most people consider the assassin quests to be the best designed, there sure are a lot of other quests written strictly for the goody-two-shoes Priest and Healer classes.


EQRU puts the option "Maybe Later." That's all there is to it, and my queen b..... of the universe can get on with stepping on the little guy once more. (I'm exactly the opposite of course. If I was playing myself Thoronir would be through.)



I've never really been into the main quest, but once I got EQRU, I went to Jauffre out of curiosity and was very amused by some of the new things you can say about the Amulet of Kings. You can even forgo the Main Quest entirely. The only drawback is, there's no option to say "On second thought..." if you change your mind later.


I have not ran across any quest breaking bugs yet. Admittedly, I'm not very far into it, but so far so good. I recommend getting it, and doing a new save before you start every major quest. You can always unload it, continue on the quest, and then reload it again. It won't restart your quest progress. There might be some adverse side-effects with doing this, but it's always a good idea to make several saves anyway.

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If you refer to EQR by Lingwei, then it's definitely broken. There are choices available that will deadend several vanilla quests in the game. Lingwei gave up on it quite a while back, and Magik--who has picked up his other mod, Choices & Consequences, and is doing a good job fixing its lesser problems--doesn't have the time to work on EQR.


If you want to read about EQR's issues, look for the Choices & Consequences threads in the modding forum on Bethsoft's board. There have been elaborate discussions of just what EQR breaks, as well as possible suggestions for alterations--but so far, nobody with the time to pick it up and do the work.

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