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Wasteland Survival Guide


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The new fallout 3 based blog story read the first chapter:



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Erm, what's with all the quote copying and the thread trolling for? You can personalize your own signature you know... :wallbash:


I have checked it out, it's not that good. Sorry... I suggest doing some reading of some of the member's writings to improve on your writing skills.


Here, read these:


Fallout 3: Diary of the Dead





Fallout: Reilly's Rejects, Wasteland Mercenary


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Yeah just did it for kudos


You do not earn kudos that way. Try helping out other members when they need assistance in solving bugs/mod compatibility issues. Or make a mod and share it with other members (look in requested threads, lots of requests). The stuff that you posted can be found on Fallout wiki website, so it's not necessary. You'll find ways to earn kudos eventually, my way is by spending hours of my own time making free signatures, I myself benefit from this though, get to improve on my photoshop skills and you get a nice feeling of satisfaction when they love their new signatures. Anyway, kudos aren't important, what's important is supporting Nexus Forum website by being helpful to others and contribute by getting a premium account.

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