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Start bar Problems...


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I thought I would post this on the Nexus Forums because I know that this is a great community that might be able to help me with my problem.

The off-topic board was the most fitting place I could find...


Anyways, onto my problem.

If you have a program running, say Internet Explorer (or watever browser you use), it appears on the start bar. If you minimize the program that is running, you click on it on the start bar to maximize it, yes?


Well, when I open a program, it doesn't show on the start bar. I've had this problem for a while now, but occasionally, they will appear one day, then not for a long time again.

The only way I can access minimized programs now is by going CTRL+ALT+DEL and bringing up the task manager, clicking on the program I want to maximize and clicking Switch To.

As you can imagine this is a pain in the neck when I am talking to someone on MSN and doing something in the GECK at the same time. Everytime the person talks, I have to go onto the Task Manager and switch to the chat window.


I will atatch a picture so you can see what I mean.

I hope someone can help.


Thanks a lot,

Toxic Wolf

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