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The Super-Duper-Mart Overhaul


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I think it wouldn't conflict in the inside, if the door references are changed to a new cell, which would be needed anyway if the whole insides were overhauled after the place has been cleared. As long as the original cell stays intact. Also the Markers for the 2 raiders that spawn outside would need to be moved, or re-referenced elsewhere. The outsides might need a few "guards" to keep the area clear at respawns though.


I'm not 100% sure what MMM does to the outside area, but atleast FOOK2 doesn't have a big impact on it.


EDIT: After a quick check in GECK, atleast FOOK2 1.0 doesn't seem to affect the area, so its "safe", but I would add some guards anyway... And get rid of the hanging corpses too when the place is cleared ;)

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Maybe you could connect this to either a caravan in canterbury commons or a new NPC in Megaton giving you some kind of quest to clear out the raiders and reporting back to him so that he and his trader-buddies can move in.

And with this quest you could trigger the change for the door references.

Maybe this can be used as a trigger for the spawns on the parking lot, too.

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Maybe you could connect this to either a caravan in canterbury commons or a new NPC in Megaton giving you some kind of quest to clear out the raiders and reporting back to him so that he and his trader-buddies can move in.

And with this quest you could trigger the change for the door references.

Maybe this can be used as a trigger for the spawns on the parking lot, too.


That is actually a very good idea, that would give the change a nice story too, and changing references would need a quest to fire the script anyway, if done right. That would also handle the raider spawns on the parking lot very easily.

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