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Strange Behavior

Harabec Weathers

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Alright so after formatting my hard drive and starting all over from scratch I installed my games again. Im running fallout 3 with a legally purchased copy and with the updated patch. Also running the latest FOMM with only a couple mods. Nothing is different from when I previously had fallout 3 installed on my computer.


However there is this very odd momentary freeze when I open the menu, bring up the pipboy, or access an in game menu of anysort. Also when I enter vats there is a second long pause when it zooms in very suttery and laggy. Roughly 50% of the time when I open my inventory or access a menu, or enter vats it causes a BDS and my whole system crashes and reboots.


All my settings are set accordingly and im not pushing my system at all. This problem is beyond me, ive looked into some possibilities but havent found out anything at all.


Ive also tried a full uninstall and reinstall but still the problem persists. Pretty much making the game unplayable.


ANyone got any ideas?

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Have you tried updating your graphic's card and sound card drivers?


I have personally encountered such a problem before, once night I was playing Fallout 3, everything was smooth and perfect, after going to bed. The next day, start up Fallout 3 and it starts lagging like hell, after 10 minutes of gameplay, my game either CTD's or I get the blue screen of death. My problem was solved only after updating my sound card and graphic's card driver. My previous drivers were only a few months old before the constant crashing and lag.

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Another thing you could try is by playing other games on your PC, check if they have similar problems, if it happens to your other games too, there must be a problem with your PC. It can be even a heat issue. Download Speedfan free software, it allows you to check your PC temperature. Your optimum temperatures shouldn't be over 58c after an hour of gaming. Idle temperature should be around 50C. If it really is a heat issue, you need to get more cooling fans or even consider replacing the thermal paste between your fan and processor.
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So any good news on updating on sound card drivers? This is seriously a strange problem, not even reinstalling the game solves the problem. I'm almost all out of ideas, are you running on Vista, XP or Windows 7?


I havent updated the sound drivers yet, Im getting ready to head out to work so I wont be able to fiddle with it until I get back from work tomorrow morning.


I agree though its got me stumped. COmplete re-install didnt solve it at all. And none of my games have any issue at all.


Could it be maybe my hard drive has a faulting sector or a bad block or something like that?

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I've had the problem before, but I couldn't tell you what fixed it. Other than it's just a bad build. It seems like all that stuff is the interface. You could try using darnified UI, or one of the other user interfaces for fallout, most of them are better than the default one. At anyrate if you installed a player made interface, it would rule out if it's something contained in fallout 3 or your computer system. I'd probably start there.





heh, could be hard drive thrashing. Say a program uses softwareA on C:/softwareA an also uses softwareB on D:/softwareB While it's running the computer system is going to thrash back an forth between the two.


RAID is the best way to get rid of thrashing, which can be set up a few different ways, GAMERS usually set it up so that C:/ an D:/ are mirror images, so the system an pick an pull from which ever one they want. Something like that. You have to have to identical hard drives to do this though.



I don't use RAID, but I play around with virtual memory. Which is set up inside the windows control panel somewhere in a performance tab, maybe in system, idk, anyhow virtual memory is called the "page file" which it's best to use whatever windows recommends as the page file size. The rule of thumb is that the page file should be about double what your actual RAM is, so like if I have 2Gb of ram, then I'm going to set the page file at 4000Mb (4Gb) something like that.


I have C:/ an D:/, Which D:/ is the raptor an has all the games, then C:/ has all the system stuff on it. I've used page files on both of them at the same time before, now I'm just using a page file on C:/ I should probably set one up, but couldn't be bothered, but the size of the page file is correct, an I think I just used the recomened size, but playing with it, and using a larger or smaller size will fix some issues for gamers sometimes. You should at least check that it's close to the recomendation.



*burp* if you think it has anything to do with it, update your Adobe Flash Player 10 active X an then Java as well.


Go ahead an make sure you have the direct X update, which has a wierd name like "direct X end user runtime" something like that you get it at microsoft.com

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