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Strange Behavior

Harabec Weathers

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ok, i'll try to help cos i see everybody else kinda didn't get the problem in the first place.


i've had CTDs BSODs and other sh.t in F3 many times but today i have none (last day i've eliminated last one and until now i'm clean). F3 generally is very poor tested and optimized - it is very selective in with what it works. it includes drivers but also system as general.


1. by your description it looks it's sound or graphics related - if you have a build-in/uncommon sound card it may be the problem, if your graphics card has 256MB of memory you'll probably have at least some stuttering problems: try turning off texture optimizations if you have geforce in nvidia control panel. in the situations you described F3 loads textures, sounds and adjusts their effects.

2. modify your Fallout.ini like that:

- put iNumHWThreads=2 in [General] if you have dual core processor;

- set bMultiThreadAudio=0;

- if not already set, set bUseHardDriveCache=0;

- some people claim that turning off vsync helped (not my case) - the ONLY way to do it is by setting iPresentInterval=0;

3. try to run F3 with resolution AND refresh rate exact to your desktop (to bypass montior display re-regulation);

4. try turning Radial Blur Quality to Low in the launcher;

5. if your system is different in even small detail to the working one it may crash - i installed xp sp3 and the crashes returned - i manually reverted some of the sp3 files to sp2 ones and it helped - dsdmo.dll and dsdmoprp.dll are examples of that (sound effects). try to use older dll's.


!!! it's important do do 1 change at a time and see if it changes something - you'll know what caused it.


these may not solve your problem completely but you'll know more, what's wrong actually.


hope it helps!


p.s. and if you have that annoying "microstutter" (when you play/move F3 skips some frames and you "warp" to few frames later) and you have geforce set Maximum pre-rendered frames to 0 in NVIDIA Control Panel.

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Ive done what you described. one at a time but it didnt help at all. I opened my inv and it still had this odd pause. I closed my inv with another pause. Opened my inv again and it crashed my comp, resulting in a BSD.

The error code that was shown after I rebooted was this:




Error signature

BCCode: 1000007e

BCP1: C0000005

BCP2: BD13BC63


BCP4: A869D8DC

OSVer: 5_1_2600

SP: 3_0

Product: 256_1



Can someone make sence of this? Because these error codes are beyond me



EDIT: Lol just noticed I posted this in the "mods troubleshooting" section. My fault lol. Will contactor moderators to move this to Fallout tech support section.

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use the lowest possible quality settings (in all matters) in the lancher - if it still crashes then the software can be ruled out. it looks then like a hardware one but you said other games run great - 90% of hardware ruled out.


at this point it can be (don't laugh at the first one):

1. a dust problem - clean your machine with an air spray - especially the gpu and cpu (you may even disassemble the heat sinks/fans and put a new izo paste).

2. power supply problem - you've got to have a spare one and check if it changes the situation.

3. memory - as above check with spare/borrowed.


other that that it's unsolved (from what you said) from mine POV.

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Heres a bit of good news. Dropped ALL settings to the lowest possible both in "low" settings preset and in the advanced settings. Fired it up and there was no pausing :)


So I can only assume that there was is a setting set not according to my rig specs.


Well now that I have something conrete to go on ill start adjusting my settings to find out exactly what it was that was too much.

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a feedback would be welcome and by that i mean support for others if you recieved support. if you were given give something back - that's community - otherwise, sadly, you're just a leech.

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