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Kl idea for house planning mods


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Hey guys i was looking about nexus but i cudnt find the mod i was looking for :(

Theres a few like it but they come SO close, but just arent what im looking for

I was hoping that someone could help me out with/point me to a mod that will allow u to mix and match the different elements of the housing themes...

To give u a good picture of what i mean, as an example id like:

-The statue from the love machine [the one found in dukovs place], But i dont want the bed in the main room

-possibly some of the lamps and flowers from the love machine

- the posters from the wasteland theme

-some chalk boards from the science

-the rug from the pre-war [in the main room]

-the sofa from the prewar [in 'the spare' room]


not actually wanting someone to design this theme and upload it... although it wouldnt be bad, if it could be brought as 'custom theme 1'

But mainly id like somebody to expand on the existing mods that allow u to change the themes about when uve brought them, so ur technically not cheating....

If this is possible i hate to be a female dog, but id totally love whoever made it :P


Even better if someone can give me the console codes for the SEPERATE house items, not themes each individual item, they've got to be somewhere... id be eternally grateful :D

Many thanx guys


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