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Things that you have learnt while playing DA:O


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I've learned that even though Humans are the ruling class in Ferelden, there are only two types of them... the Nobles, and the Mages...


three actually. You forgot Cannon Fodder. AKA the actors in the red suits.



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I've learned that the toolset is my enemy. I've learned that by trying to create a copy of the voiceover dialogs you end up inadvertantly creating a mod that completely ruins the voiceovers of the characters you are trying to copy. because it makes a copy of those files in your OVERRIDE folder, and is saved without the depenancies. So you end up with all of your characters talking like a cheap answering machine when you're clicking on them. :verymad:

I've also learned that window's search is my very good friend, because it allowed me to find these files and DELETE them to restore my peeps to sounding like their normal selves :D

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i have learned that whenever someone asks you if you had ever had sex, you should respond: I was raised like a Gentelmen

My guy fell for Alistair's unintentional "licking lamppost" trap. I think we both started talking about lamppost-licking before we abruptly stopped and slowly backed away from each other.

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I have learnt that mages are evil...

why you may ask?


- Darkspawn, Tevinter Mages are the source of them

- the Harrowing (need I say more)

- Blood Magic (yeah, let's use our own life to kill you...?)

- the Fade, Demons and Abominations

- Morrigan (need I say more?)

- Jowan

- those freaky Templars... damn I hate them... lol

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I've learned that when it comes time to have to reach into a pile of filth, I enjoy making anora do it :D

I've learned that 4 dual-wielders with momentum ends the fight waaaaaay too soon for it to be any fun.

I've learned that 4 simultaneous fireballs can give a LOT of credence to the saying "Most situations can be resolved with the proper application of explosives".


I've learned that I know only enough about 3d graphics editing to get myself into trouble, and leave a lot of mod ideas unfulfilled.

I've learned that there's only 19 days left till the expansion is released :)

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