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Things that you have learnt while playing DA:O


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I've learned that the whole 'you can't touch lyrium' mantra is like, a total conspiracy man.


I've learned that spiders like to carry coin so they can go on little spidery shopping excursions.


I've learned that I can die happy if I never see another set of moving tiles.

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I HAVE LEARNT THAT QUNARI ARE ***EDIT**** not very responsive yet somewhat funny.


Sten: Yes?

I'd like to ask some questions

Sten: Go ahead

Nothing, never mind

Sten: Then let us move on.

Sten: Yes?

I'd like to discuss something you mentioned

Sten: Very Well.

Nothing for now

Sten: Then let us move on.


Imagine an entire race who communicated like that.


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I HAVE LEARNT THAT QUNARI ARE ***EDIT**** not very responsive yet somewhat funny.

Much better :thumbsup:


I have learnt Simon Templeman (spelling?) will often play the bad guy in games...

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I have learned that the leader of the dalish elves looks like a young, bald Mr. Spock with tats.


I've learned that a place called Haven is actually hazardous to your health (If you're a wimpy npc).


I've learned that after two hours of playing my computer doesnt like it when I activate Momentum with a 45+ dex. Its actually kinda funny. IF the game doesnt crash, I move in slo-mo LOL.


I've learned that Alistair can't be trusted not to burn up all his Stamina on generic AI, and that Wynn can't be trusted not to burn off all her mana on stupid idiotic sustained spells on default AI.


I've learned that after giving Morrigan a pair of daggers I almost had to change my shorts when I saw her jump on top of an ogre on a killsteal. I also learned that I wish I could give my left leg to have gotten that on vid. "And here I go.... about to plant my swords right tween this buttugly basterd's eyes! MORRIGAN...WT*!?!?"

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I've learned not to mess with adorable mentally challenged dwarves. They posses inexplicable physical strength. http://thenexusforums.com/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif


Sandal: Enchantment?

Warden: You're surrounded by darkspawn corpses! What happened here?

Sandal: Enchantment!



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I've learned that having Morrigan as an AW makes her an instant target by all the groundpounders. And that my warden is not liking having to chase down kills.

I've also learned that I really dont like all the grunts coming after my AoE and CAE mage!!!


I've learned how to dodge...really, really, REALLY WELL!


I've learned that installing the Winter Forge to a game that's already finished, is pretty much a waste of time.

I've learned that when a mod is all cutscene driven and the actor doesnt have lipsync that they look like freaky string puppets.

I've learned that after reading the word "brilliant" about 16 times in a row, I'm completely sick of the word.

I'm in the process of learning how damage modifiers and such really actually work. And don't.


I've learned that having party members in the group that could care less about approval and don't talk back are a GODSEND!

I've learned that I really really really wish I could get these characters to show up in my party screen :(


I've learned that Al and I agree that neither of us likes puzzles.

I've learned that at 30 years old, Al still plays with toy figurines.


I've learned that when I've been up for 38 hours straight with 4 hours of sleep I get really strange ideas of things like a DA:O pokemon mod.... :blink:

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