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How much a difference does a good processor make in FO3?


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So I my rig is pretty much great for gaming. I've played fallout 3 for quite a while but one thing about my computer i am not satisfied with is my processor. Everything in it I've bought is custom, except my processor. Which happens to be Pentium 4 HT 3.0GHz processor. I've always though that Oblivion was a game that relied on your graphics card and maybe RAM. Lately I've had a knack for turning down somet setting to reduce lag in FO3. My graphics card is an NVIDIA 250 GTS (1GB), I have about 3 GB of Ram running at maybe 8800 MHz, idk exactly. This isn't really a tech support forum I am just wondering how much of an affect a better processor for FO3 would fair.
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So I my rig is pretty much great for gaming. I've played fallout 3 for quite a while but one thing about my computer i am not satisfied with is my processor. Everything in it I've bought is custom, except my processor. Which happens to be Pentium 4 HT 3.0GHz processor. I've always though that Oblivion was a game that relied on your graphics card and maybe RAM. Lately I've had a knack for turning down somet setting to reduce lag in FO3. My graphics card is an NVIDIA 250 GTS (1GB), I have about 3 GB of Ram running at maybe 8800 MHz, idk exactly. This isn't really a tech support forum I am just wondering how much of an affect a better processor for FO3 would fair.


Your question should have been posted here:




Anyway, I'm using exactly the same processor as you do. Processor power is very important when it comes to gaming. Since you have pretty good graphic's card and ram for FO3, upgrading your processor even to an Intel Core 2 Duo would bring significant performance. It also depends on the screen resolution that you're playing on.

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I see...what I mean was this was jsut discussion but I apologize for posting in the wrong forum. I may upgrade, in Oblivion the procesor probably mean little difference, but in Fallout 3 just the mere fact you are using guns, their must be more to process. Thank you I might get a dual core eventually. They should drop even more any day now with the realease of the i7s and all that
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I see...what I mean was this was jsut discussion but I apologize for posting in the wrong forum. I may upgrade, in Oblivion the procesor probably mean little difference, but in Fallout 3 just the mere fact you are using guns, their must be more to process. Thank you I might get a dual core eventually. They should drop even more any day now with the realease of the i7s and all that


No, you don't need to apologize. It's not a big deal. :smile: If you can afford better ones then go for it, it'll also be worth it in a long run since more and more games that require higher processing power are releasing or has been released this year (Mass Effect 2, Fallout New Vegas and even Star Craft II).

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Yes I agree...I am a cross between a PC and 360 gamer...but games like Fallout New Vegas Ill probably get on pc, alos I hear its rumored TESV will be out this year idk...I hope so.
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