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Tinkering with the radio doesn't work


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I've been checking around for mods to change the music in the radio of fallout 3 and found some mods that's supposed to add a new station to the pip-boy, but I can't seem to get them to work. To take the Civil defence boradcast system (CDBS) as and example: I'm being told to put the .esp and sound folder in the data folder, but even so nothing changes in the game. But I find it odd that there was no sound folder in the data folder to begin with. Only music, shaders and video. And no .esp folders with the name of the other stations either.


I bought the game on steam, does this alter how my files are arranged?


EDIT: I found that I had ignored an important part of the CDBS installation and got it working. But I still have issues with some other mods that's supposed to replace the music files (that I have no idea where can be found) with mp3 files to fix the annoying stuttering I get after upgrading to windows 7 x64. I don't seem to be able to "activate" the changing to the mp3 part. But it seems like it won't make a difference as the mp3-based CDBS is stuttering even more than the galaxy radio.


I've been trying to fix the stuttering for quite a while now, installing different codex and whatnot. Nothing seems to help. Could it be my creative fatal1ty sound card that has a problem with this game? I don't want to play fallout 3 without the radio...

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