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Please Help for the love of puppies!


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man that barrel is wack, gona have to fix that, anyway this poster shouldn't take you longer than 10-20 minutes from start to finish, even creating a flat normal map so the light will work on it. Idk maybe you could normal a white texture, then darken the normal to get rid of the gloss.


Whatever, Okay so I ran into the same problem but it was when I was inside nifscope an I had just applied the texture, which was from the picture above that said "made with paintnet woot!" When I set the texture in nifscope to the .dds version of that picture, for some reason the poster turned white, then when I tried to edit the UV, there wasn't any texture there. so since I can do converts to an from .dss in realtime, all I did was open an existing poster texture, which was actually 4 posters in one texture, then opened that texture, copied the umbrella, went to the 4 in one poster texture selected all, then deleted it, pasted in the umbrella, moved it to where I knew the UV would pick it up, Then saved it in DXT-5.



Went to nifscope applied the texture, then removed the normal map, created the item based off a static poster already created, just switching the model, an bam it was done. I didn't spend any time trying to make it look pretty though.

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You are they F*k'n man, thank you for this and I appreciate your help. Looks like i need to learn nifscope 0.o


revolver looks nice though!



Yea nifskope dosent work, for some reason all the models show up white and the tutorial says some crap about a purple flower and there is none. Id really like to know why this is so hard.



Nemesis Approves!

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