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The Adventure of Matthew Johnson


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Minefield:Fallout 3-Murlock99

I feel guilty, guilty of what I did, it was wrong, no doubt about that

but why I did it, that is a mystery. Pardon me I should have introduced

myself. My name is Matthew, Matthew Johnson. I lived in the town of what

you young folks now call Minefield. I was a young man when I went from my

home, looking for fortune troughout the wasteland. Little did I know that

the wasteland was full of savage, vicious people. My parents never told

about it but I knew they were hiding something, hate is what I feel when

think about it, but I still feel guilty about what I did. I am getting old

and I hope to find out what happened to my parents before I pass over the

bridge of faith. I have a son his name is Luke, Luke after my fathers name

I'm married to a girl named Leila, a very beautifal woman. As I search

for answers I will be keeping a log. Feel free to interupt me during my

travels, wish me luck

Matthew Johnson,

Log Entry 1



As I left my hometown of Megaton, I felt a sudden spring in my step, a

raise in my stamina. I felt like I was young again but I knew that my

days of youth were over. As I passed trough springvale school I thought

very hard about the directions to Minefield. Suddenly I came to a stop, I

could hear something, something rustling over the dirt and dust. I looked

around. North, South, East and West but nothing. I looked up and around

the sky but nothing. It was almost too late when I realised the only other

option....... Down. The dirt started vibarating strongly. I moved from the

spot and ran, ran like I never had ran before. I was about 100 yards from

the school when I thought I was ok..............

But little did I know that my hopes were going to be crushed in the blink

of an eye


Matthew Johnson,

Log Entry 2


See what happens after,

If you dare



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The fierce fire ant is a strong, swift creature with strong razor like pincers and a deadly fiery breath. I quickly loaded my hunting rifle (I hadn't expected trouble happening so quickly and you know accidents) and aimed carefully. I could see the dirt moving up ahead so I shot a few rounds down there. Suddenly 3 miner ants popped out of the ground and ran at me with their leader following them. I was done for, all hope was lost......... NO I must go down fighting or fight till I win. I took a few shots at one of the ants and killed it but the other two were too close. They knocked me over and my hunting rifle was snapped. I took out my 32 Pistol and aimed carefully at one of the worker ants antennas. I hit dead on target and it went completely crazy. It bit the other ants leg off and clawed his eyes out. For the finishing move he got his sharp pincers and digged a hole trough the ants heart. There was only the boss. The ant might damage the fire ant but more than likely it would be burnt to bits. Dead ,burnt to death. There was hardly no time so I looked for a weapon (my pistol was knocked away when the worker ant went frenzy. I looked at the corpse at the stabbed ant, huh a bottlecap mine and a bloody piece of paper. I quickly laid the bottlecap mine down on the ground with the piece of paper. The piece of paper was most convineint. You see the fire ant can't see above the ground and it uses smell to find its prey. The smell of blood of the paper was inresistible for the ant and it set off the mine. BAM. The Ants legs were crippled and it couldn't move. Whats this? An hidden assualt rifle in the corspe of the stabbed worker ant. I picked it up and I walked over to the fire ant.



'Die you son of a female dog"




Log 3

See the next chapter soon,


Mirelurk 99

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I stumbled away from the battle site. My leg was crippled from when the ant had knocked me over. I needed help and I needed it quick. Whats this? A house that is in good condition, I should see if anyone is inside it. The radio was on when I entered the house, the radio was playing but there were no people inside. Well at least their was a comfy mattress, some stimpaks and some food. For some reason the microwave was on and some instamash was inside it. There was someone here, but where? I walked over to the bed and sat down. A few days of sleep and some medication should do it. I settled down and thought about it for a moment, was this the right thing to do?, to go on a adventure when I can barely stay alive in a fight. Maybe not, maybe so. I just had to sleep now and recover, I would make plans tomorrow. I slept well until I heard a knock on the door..........

Log 4



Next chapter coming soon


Murlock 99

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