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Could you add a mod where i can fight on my 10th birthday?


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It's really annoying when that guy attacks me when i say something about his mother on my birthday and i can't do anything i would like to be able to beat him up i don't want to have any weapon, maybe brass knuckle or baseball bat, it would be cool. Please don't tell anything about cheats because i don't want to use them i just want that little simple mod fast, please.


And could you also create another mod where i can do more things in the vault so maybe i can do something at the age of 14 fight with those tunnel snakes or how they were called and gain respect from them so they would be nicer/scared of me at my birthday or at gose experiment, i don't want anything like that mod: "_Alpha_ Vault 101 Flashbacks-Resource" I just want to be able to do more things at the beginning of the game. I don't really care for speech sounds, but there can be not original sounds (like in the Animated Prostitution mod but they should be louder), mod like that would be cool

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It's really annoying when that guy attacks me when i say something about his mother on my birthday and i can't do anything i would like to be able to beat him up i don't want to have any weapon, maybe brass knuckle or baseball bat, it would be cool. Please don't tell anything about cheats because i don't want to use them i just want that little simple mod fast, please.


And could you also create another mod where i can do more things in the vault so maybe i can do something at the age of 14 fight with those tunnel snakes or how they were called and gain respect from them so they would be nicer/scared of me at my birthday or at gose experiment, i don't want anything like that mod: "_Alpha_ Vault 101 Flashbacks-Resource" I just want to be able to do more things at the beginning of the game. I don't really care for speech sounds, but there can be not original sounds (like in the Animated Prostitution mod but they should be louder), mod like that would be cool


The mod that you're requesting is not "simple" at all. A simple mod would be more like having a mod that adds 1000 caps in your megaton house or creating a brainless NPC that spawns in the middle of Megaton. I do agree it is rather annoying that you can't attack back, but I think the scene is hard coded, making a mod that alters that would lead to instability or even break your game (the game won't be able to continue), I might be wrong though, what I do know is the whole scene is time based.


As for your second request, just wait for this mod project to be released. Lots of stuff you can do with your new companion when you're 14. Will be having proper voice actors too. Here is the link:




By the way, your request sounds more like a demand than a "request".

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