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Can't loot bodies


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I'm having an interesting problem. I recently had to format my computer and I've just installed Fallout 3 again. (Luckily I was able to save my saves!) However, even with no mods running, I can't loot most bodies. It comes up with the "E) to loot *name*", but most of time pressing "E" doesn't do anything, I've tried remapping the use key to somethign else, but that didn't help either.


What can I do?

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Idk the only thing we could link it to would be interface lag. You could try a new interface like darnified UI, so that you keep your save games.


Then you could also do the blow your self up double load save game trick.


Or just load a save game, fast travel somewhere, or go in a door, or just run around


if you can fast travel do that, when you get there spin the camera around 180 in 3rd person an then load the save game again


2nd load ups usually run faster/smoother.

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