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Staff animation


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Does anyone have the files for the Vanilla staff animations? I think I screwed up. I deactivated all of my mods, but I'm stuck with an animation I dislike. I don't want to screw it up anymore, so before I try anything else, I figured I would ask you guys.
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Simply deactivating mods that add new animations won't revert them back to normal. You have to remove all of the files that came with the mod.


Check the archive you downloaded to see which files to remove and then you should get your default animation back without any problems.


Other than that it would be helpful to have a bit more info on which mods you're using that may have caused the problem.

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You should be able to post a list of the mods you're using so we can see if one of them adds animations.


If you have OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) go to the right of the main window and click Import\Export. Then click View Load Order and save the result to a text editor like Notepad and paste it here.


The original files are in Meshes\characters\_male in the Oblivion Meshes BSA which is a compressed archive. You would have to unpack the BSA using OBMM and replace the animations, but you also need the Construction Set to redirect the files to your mod folder rather than the BSA.


A simpler solution would be to check in your data\meshes\characters\_male folder because one of the mods you're using obviously adds animations which would create that folder in the first place. If you have a file called staffidle.kf it's added by a mod. You can delete it, but back up the folder first just in case.


In the Oblivion Meshes BSA there are 20 animations related to staves, but that should be the one that affects your idle as shown in the screen shot. Assuming it's an idle and not a casting animation.


If there are any other .kf files these are also animations so you need to find out which mod added them and remove them if you don't want them anymore and everything should return to the defaults. Unless added by a mod there shouldn't be any animation files in the meshes\characters\_male folder.



Yes, but he/she doesn't know which mod or files to delete so a bit more info is required.

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