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Sharing & Caring Companions lost, can't find.


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I had like 9 followers and somewhere along the way I lost Dukov, Moriarty, Vance, and Lucas Simms. I retraced my steps and found Vance dead by Megaton, but I can't find anyone else. I remember reading something about if I get too far away they'll teleport to me. Well, seeing as how I've already wandered around the Wasteland, I think I've far surpassed that point. Is there some way I can locate these people? Like a console command or something?


-The reason I want to find them so bad is to get back armor they wore.

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Have you tried fast traveling around? Sometimes they seem to vanish or end up in very weird places, especially if you exit Megaton by the front gate... I usually got all my companions back to me by fast traveling to springvale.


There is also a console command to move specific NPC to your position, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was.


You can make the companions essential by using the godmode toggle that comes with the newest SCC, so they only go unconcious when they are hit hard enough.

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Look up the reference ID of the NPCs you're missing:



Find the ID & use the following console commands:

"prid ########" (#'s = ref. ID)

"moveto player"


I'm not sure how this will work if the NPCs you're trying to teleport are dead, but it's worth a shot. If they are dead, I think there's a certain "resurrect" command that brings them back to life while keeping their armor/weapons/items intact.


Good luck!

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