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'Dagon Statue' must Crumble after Death High-priest(ess) by Sc


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This is very strange. Theoretically, it should be working. Try this then:

ScriptName {NameOfYourNewQuest}Script

Float fQuestDelayTime

Begin GameMode

If GetSecondsPassed >= 5
 MessageBox "Animation Started"
 {ReferenceIDOfGroundHitDustCloud}.playgroup forward 0
 StopQuest {NameOfYourNewQuest}



I basically removed the Return command. If this doesn't work, I don't know what else could be wrong. If it comes to that, I'll try asking for help on the Bethsoft forums.

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I shall test the new Script soon :thanks:



P.S - All of Oblivion 4ever's Reference ID's now start with O4E. This will make Oblivion 4ever more compatible with Plug-Ins from other Modders :thumbsup:

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No success..... :confused:


I think there's something missing in the red part of the first version of your Quest Script, the rest of it seemd to work as it should...


ScriptName {NameOfYourNewQuest}Script


Float Timer

Float fQuestDelayTime


Begin GameMode


If fQuestDelayTime != .1

Set fQuestDelayTime to .1



If Timer == 0

MessageBox "Timer Started"

Set Timer to GetSecondsPassed



If GetSecondsPassed - Timer < 5



MessageBox "Animation Started"

{ReferenceIDOfGroundHitDustCloud}.playgroup forward 0

StopQuest {NameOfYourNewQuest}








Or, maybe we could add a Script to the Dust Cloud itself instead?

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Other than not modifying existing records unless you have to, there isn't much else that can be said on that topic.


The most common example I see of this is a mesh or texture replacer. Some people create a new mesh or texture for an object (let's say a sword), put them into a custom/ unique folder directory then create an ESP that tells the game to look for the sword's mesh or texture in the custom directory. The problem with this is that if another mod makes changes to that sword as well, the two mods will conflict and you won't be able to have both changes (ie you will have to have either the new mesh/ texture or the tweaks, not both).


The correct way of creating a mesh or texture replacer is to make the mesh or texture overwrite the existing one. Basically, for every way of achieving a certain goal which involves editing an existing record, there is almost always a clean way of doing that.

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It doesn't matter to me if we can't make the Quest Script work right now;


the statue of Mehrunes Dagon still crumbles to the ground and that was the Main Goal :thanks: :thumbsup:


I will test your Quest Scripts again tomorrow... maybe it was I who did something wrong... :whistling:


And, i could also e-mail you the Test Plug-In I use so you may take a closer and maybe better look at things yourself?



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I asked for help on the Bethsoft forums and it seems like I used the GetSecondsPassed command incorrectly again. The suggestions are here.


Otherwise, here is the revised script to attach to the high-priest (with performance tweaks):

ScriptName {WhateverNameYouWantInOneWord}

short done
float timer

Begin OnDeath

{ReferenceIDOfStatue}.playgroup unequip 0
set Start to 1
set timer to 5


; ---------------------------------------------------
begin gamemode

if Start == 0
 set timer to timer - getsecondspassed
 if timer >= 0
MessageBox "Animation Started"
{ReferenceIDOfGroundHitDustCloud}.playgroup forward 0
set Start to 0



The quest script will not be required anymore if this works. Anyway, try this out and tell me if it works.

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Ok, we shall see if the above Script works...



P.S: I added the following piece of Code to the Script: 'short start'. Otherwise I get the following Error Message:


Line 9: Unknown variable 'Start'.

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After adding Scripts, stuff and playtesting it all there's still a lot of tweaking to do, but if I decide to add the DustFX to Oblivion 4ever than the Script I will use reads as follows:



ScriptName O4EHighPriestsScript

short start
short done
float timer

Begin OnDeath

O4EStatueDagonCrumble01REF.playgroup unequip 0
O4EStatueDagonCrumble02REF.playgroup unequip 0
O4EStatueDagonCrumble03REF.playgroup unequip 0
O4EStatueDagonCrumble04REF.playgroup unequip 0
O4EStatueDagonCrumble05REF.playgroup unequip 0

set Start to 1
set timer to 5


; ---------------------------------------------------

Begin GameMode

if Start == 0
 set timer to timer - getsecondspassed
 if timer >= 0
O4EFXDustPuffUp01REF.playgroup forward 0
O4EFXDustPuffUp02REF.playgroup forward 0
O4EFXDustPuffUp03REF.playgroup forward 0
O4EFXDustPuffUp04REF.playgroup forward 0
O4EFXDustPuffUp05REF.playgroup forward 0
set Start to 0



What do you think? :smile:

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