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Character's mesh and clothes turning black or getting bugged out lighting

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I think I fixed it. I think its because of my cards low amount of vram and not having room to load the textures properly or something. Turning the texture settings in the game's launcher from high to low seems to have maybe cleared the problem up. Looks like crap, but at least I can play :tongue:
The weird thing is with Skyrim I loaded it up with SOO much more graphical and texture mods than this game and while I did get this problem, it happened only like once every 200 hours of gameplay.

I guess even though they're on the same engine, this game handles textures differently or something.



So as I've been playing, it happens extremely randomly.. I've gone over an hour before it happens and other times I've barely gotten through a couple minutes.

My character's body will turn completely black OR the lighting on her skin will look like its practically reversed and just be extremely off. Sometimes just parts of her outfits turn black or really dark instead.

Her face and hands are rarely ever effected. Its just her body mesh.


I'm using Mojave Delight, the Mojave Delight better hairs and the other addon mod for it, the spiritual eyes with the eyelashes, and a type3 body mesh - I've tried multiple ones.


So of course, the first thing to assume is texture mods for the skin and mesh mods. Well I've tried it without the two and its still happening. So I though tmaybe a visual mod since it seems like it might be related to lighting. For those I have Interior Lighting Overhaul and FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting. Turning both of those off hasn't made the issue go away. I also turned off the NMC texture pack I had.

Also using Dynamo ENB. It was made for the version something- 46 DLL and I'm using 49. If anyone knows of a way to get an older version let me know since that'd probably do better. I was getting some weird issues with this ENB earlier, but they seem to be gone now. When turning the ENB off, the issue I'm speaking of in this thread doesn't go away so I assume it isn't being caused by this but do say so if you think otherwise.


I can list my other mods if needed. They're mostly things for the interface, a few things related to combat and mechanics, and different outfits that I haven't really touched on. (This problem happens with the vanilla mesh/ skin textures and when using vanilla outfits)


My in-game graphic settings are at medium. The game wasn't running too hot before - hiccups due to my lack of vram, but since uninstalling the texture pack its running much much better and quite smooth.

Specs: i5 3450, 7770, 8gb ram


And as for stability, the game has been running good without crashes.


Anyone have any idea what's going on? This issue is really ruining the game for me.

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