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Linking an item to a terminal


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Hi everyone,


I'm trying to create a personal terminal that I can carry around the wasteland. I have seen mods that usually have options in the form of a terminal interface that is accessed via the inventory (by an armor piece that the player equips for example). I already have my terminal all set up in the GECK but I haven't the faintest how to create an item and make it so that when I "use" it from the inventory have the terminal appear.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1. Crate an empty, dummy interior cell.

2. Place the terminal in the cell.

3. Double-click the terminal to open the Reference window.

4. Give it a unique Reference Editor ID, and tick the Persistent Reference box.

5. Create an armor object. Give it an ID, a Name, set Equip Type to HeadWear, and tick the Quest Item box.

6. Create a script and use the following code:

scn ActivateTerminalTokenScript

begin OnEquip player

player.UnequipItem ArmorEditorID
TerminalRefID.Activate player


- Replace ArmorEditorID with the actual Editor ID of the armor piece.

- Replace TerminalRefID with the Reference ID of the terminal (from step 4).

7. Re-open the the armor piece and select the script from the Script dropbox.

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