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AI Problem


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I have two packages that re now working propery. One is for eating. The guy will eat from 18 hours for 5 hours. He will eat in Skingrad Two Sisters Lodge. I did not select a reference for it sice I used in cell. But instead when I wait and until the time you see him sitting down them he will get up and sneak around?


Another package is him ambushing a specific NPC. But he is not even walking to the NPC. I used target but there is more than one of the NPC. (The amount in the world can change often since they will be placed in the world every now and then)

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For the first one, he is likely sneaking around because he has either low responsibility or you didn't give him money to buy food so he's forced to steal it (shame on you). Unless you want him to be killed by the guards, I would suggest raising his responsibility above 40, giving him a fair amount of gold, or just adding him to the inn faction (so he doesn't need to steal food that's on tables/shelves.


Ambush packages, contrary to their name, don't necessarily impart any sort of combat component and are for the most part is more of a combination between find and useitemat





The difference probably being something internal related to how the package is handled with the AI. Nearly every instance of the package is directed toward the player, so the function may not work properly when used in a more generic sense. If you are trying to initiate combat, your best bet is to utilize faction and aggression settings to make the "evil" actor attack the "non-evil" one, or just script it.

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giving him a fair amount of gold


If I use the gold. Will the gold respawn often?

The gold will respawn if the actor is set to respawn. If not, 100 coins should last the NPC long enough unless the player is just standing there watching him 24/7. If you're concerned, you can always use a respawning container with a bit of gold in it which the actor has a package to take gold (or just food) from every other day, but this is probably not necessary. You could even add a small container owned by the actor which contains food and is respawned daily, but is hidden within the bar. But again, actors eating is really more there just for ambiance, and doesn't actually mean anything.


When you talk about the "faction part", what are you trying to do?

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The faction part I made them apart of the bar they do eat but sometimes they will argue. This could be since fallout behavior is checked off but their responsibilty is low.

No, the conversations are based on disposition. You can correct for this by giving that actor a higher personallity.

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