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A little request to all modders


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I have a little request to all modders out there. I have just begun a new game, and for the reason I have installed many mods, I have to disable some of them from the beginning for serveral reasons:


- some provide Items, I need later in the game and I don't want to carry them with me through the story until I can reach my lair and storage


- some provide actions, I want to use later in the game, but not in the Originstory


Now I have had to decide, with which mods enabled I want to start my new game. In the game start-screen it was a hassle to do that. I have had to run the game in window-mode and read the descriptions from my saved mods with a texteditor, to do this (- and many mods have different names on that ingame start-screen as they are come with to install).


So I decided to make a little request here to all modders, that haven't done yet (which were only 1/3 of all the mods I have installed): please fill out the ingame-description for the ingame start-screen in your mod and explain there in a short form, what it does.


I know, that there are modders, who do this fine with description and picture, but there are many others, who don't.


I don't insist on a picture, but a description in the game start-screen would be very helpful also for others, I guess. Thats why I post here ;)






P.S. Forgive me any wrong English, I am a German girl ;)


(Maybe the moderator here want to give this a sticky. If so, feel free to edit this in a right form, if you want to :) )

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this is one of the reasons why I like a mod installer called da modder http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=286

during an install of a mod thru damodder, if there isnt a description for a mod, you can choose to add one. For instance, I have a mod which on the list, only reads as "BOWN" which tells me NOTHING of what the mod is for. When I installed it, I left a note for myself saying "This mod makes it so that enemy OVERWHELM attack only lasts for 3 seconds, so I dont get totally screwed! "


Hrm. Interesting. I just installed a couple of mods tonight, and only one of them let me do that. It may have made a liar out of me :(

[/edit 2-22-10]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I install all mods with daupdater (or manually as it is reqiured for more than one of the mods, that concern the chargeneration file).


But now I have found an easy way to add my own descriptions:


just to write them in the AddIns.XML with a XML-Editor (I have found a good one here http://xpontus.sourceforge.net/ ).


Although the reason for my research was not that. I have had some problems with the official DLCs sometimes not working, and I have figured out, that on my system they want a new authorization every time I start the game (not on save loading, but on staring the game after shutting down completely). I have had to go online every time, to get these official DLCs, that deactivated themselves automatcly, reauthorizised, althouh I have bought these DLCs.


This has appeared for me after reinstalling the whole game, because, I can't get the (damn) toolset to work on my system *sigh*. Now I have set all these '...authorization required,"1"' in the AddIns.XML to "0" - and have no, more problems with Wardens Keep (Levi not there or the Map sticker disappeared, etc.) on starting the game and loading a save without going online before that.


Well, while I have taken this research and got a free XML-editor, I have then made my own descriptions for those mods, that haven't one directly in this XML.


But after all this, I will not turn off my little request, because this is not a work, that users should do normally and... I guess, not all Mod-Users have the time to take the effort in this circumstances, as I have ;)

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You can't simply replace in the AddIns.xml requires authorization to "0" (btw you can open xml files also with the notepad. You don't need an extra program to do it). All mods that require online activation are protected by Bioware with some kind of encryption so you can't simply change one value in the xml file, you also need to edit the files with the toolset (but I don't know what exactly I haven't looked into them yet).


P.S I'm also german, so I actually wouldn't have needed to write the text in english. :biggrin:

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