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Retrieving lost armor


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So a couple companions of mine died in some mystery places in the Wastes. I revived them and moved them to me, but I still have no idea where their armors were. Are there any ways to get these back?


http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9213 - mod containing some of the armors I lost.



Do these armors have some kind of console code where I could teleport them to me or my inventory? Or would re-installing the mod replace the lost armors?

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You can do a clean save. Save your current game, exit. Uncheck the armor mod, load your save game, then save. Exit, re-enable armor mod, start game and load your save. Get back the armors from the original place (near the broken up highway bridge near MEGATON).
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There should be item codes for the armor the mod adds, I'm not sure exactly how to find out what they are - maybe open it in the GECK & find them that way? I have no idea how to do this but maybe someone else here can help you find the item codes.


Also, there's a difference between "resurrect" and "resurrect 1" - the first essentially "resets" the NPC giving them default armor & weapons, while the second should revive them with all the items they had when they died. I don't know which one you used, but if you just used "resurrect" try using "resurrect 1" instead before moving the NPC to your location and see if they still have the armor.


Good luck!

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