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How do I talk to a book NPC?


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The invisible NPC thing, that's what the daedric shrines do. I looked in the CS and there was an NPC actor for every shrine. This might work if nothing else. I still wish I could make the book itself an NPC that you could converse with and look at when you talk to, though.

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well, I never thought about that, but if I should do it, I would create a new race with a body with no mesh, and create a book as a head... I hope you know how to use some 3D software...


(it's only an idea, I can't pretend that will give you the result you are expecting)

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Another possibility is to create a wearable object out of a book mesh, then set it up in the CS to occupy every single slot on an NPC (Head, Hair, UpperBody, LowerBoddy, etc). Such an item would prevent all selected body parts from being rendered, thus giving the illusion that you are speaking to a book. You could then create a new NPC that will wear the "Book". If you go that route, you may want to give the NPC a scripted ability spell that will prevent the "Detect Life" shader from displaying. The script for that would look something like this:




Begin ScriptEffectStart
SMS LifeDetected
SMS EffectDetectLife
Begin ScriptEffectUpdate ;needed in case the Player unequips/re-equips a Detect Life item, or casts/re-casts a Detect Life spell
SMS LifeDetected
SMS EffectDetectLife




This would greatly simplify your setup. If you do go this way, make sure the wearable book is the only wearable item (clothing or armor) in your NPC's inventory.

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I would create a new race with a body with no mesh, and create a book as a head


I thought about something like that. But then again, I don't know how to set up and rig a character for export to Oblivion. To me, it's the most difficult thing to do in the world and I'd have better luck selling my soul to the devil. Story of my life with Oblivion modding. Are there any good tutorials for rigging and exporting a character to Oblivion with 3Ds Max?


@ The_Vyper


Wow, that might actually be pretty cool. All in all it looks like there are more than a few ways to do this and if I'm not comfortable with character rigging, there are alternatives.


EDIT on 06/25/14 @ 4:59PM





This gave me a real kick when I got it working. I did what Vyper suggested and added the model of a book as a clothing item taking up all body slots. The two extra books as it turns out are the left & ring rings. When unchecked, these two books do not show up and you just have the amulet book running around. Very funny stuff. What I could imagine doing next is having one of those open books like the business ledgers in Skyrim and animate it so the book opens and closes like it's breathing. Of course that's advanced topics and I really don't know how to do any of that.


Maybe I can try Meos Open Books. I might even have to rotate them and make the book's cover a bit thicker but luckily for me I have experience exporting simple objects to Oblivion. Get ready for something awesome.



EDIT on 06/25/14 @ 4:59PM




BLAM!! I used Meo3000's "firmamentopen", opened in nifskope and transformed the scene root. Rotated both Y & R by -90, and increased the X transform by +2.7. I could theoretically create a mod where an evil wizard turns everyone into books and each NPC wears a different amulet and thus book diversity.

Edited by DarkSpyda04
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