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Quest started but no 'Quest Added' message or journal entries


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Edit: Oops, TIL stage Log Entries aren't used in game and objective 'Display Text' has to be used instead.



I have a quest that's started by an activator with 'SetStage questname 0'. Stage 0 has no note, but when the quest runs the stage is quickly set to 1 (in an 'if GetStage questname == 0' block) which does have a note. However, I get no 'Quest Added' message and no journal entry appears. I have confirmed the quest is running and in stage 1 through the console. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


I can upload the mod if anyone is willing to look it over. I have a page for it, but I'm not sure if that's the place to upload a broken plugin. Or I'll attach it to a post if that's standard practice. Thanks.

Edited by wendelgrey
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I got objectives and Pip-Boy tracking working, but my quest is meant to be repeatable. It doesn't get marked as completed or failed, just stopped. Before I implemented stages I could repeat it with no problem. Now when I activate it again (the activator still uses SetStage ... 0 to start it) it starts out in stage 9. 'Allow repeated stages' is checked. I don't understand why it's doing this.
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A quest stage index can only be incremented. That is, if the current stage is 9, you can't set it back to a lower index - you first need to reset the quest.

Use the result script of the last stage:

ResetQuest YourQuest

SetStage YourQuest 0

Note that if the quest uses a script, this action will also reset the values of all the variables in the script.

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Thank you. Resetting seems like good practice even if it weren't required, which is probably why it's required.


I was afraid I was going to have to give up on using stages, which would have been a real let down. I can already see how using stages could make the quest script much easier to follow and debug. Plus I was hoping to use the main script for multiple quests, and putting quest-specific stuff in the result scripts will greatly simplify that too.

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