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Ghouls are friends


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Hello Modders, greetings from germany


I'm a happy F03-modded Player but i dont have skill to make any Mods like the comprehensive ones here in the forum...


I've got dreams of a true fallout experience and an idea of a mod:


I call it: the Life giver perk


This meens a perk to transform Feral ghouls into mildmans with some holly hands ;)

Also i thinks about an mad NaZi-Ghoul Race thats cooperate with the Supermutants to enslave these wildmans too. Recommends mods where the mildman perkand the ghoulificated heart.


Is this possible to bring up a dimension of humanism... :)



p.s. sorry for my bad english

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For the first holy healing, that would be pretty cool. But I do not thing you can really do much with that, it just changes the ghoul's appearance to a human. Then he/she would be just standing or wandering around with no purpose.


The second one... I think it is possible, since Super mutants also have their own buddies (centaur), possible to make another faction race that's like the centaur.


This should be in the request section and your English is not so bad. :)

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Yeah and thanks for answers


a questline could make this really funny when one of these NaZi-ghoulbastards brings a enslaved mildman to his supermutant master and have a secret follower - you (to heal him in the next by...) :blink: :biggrin:



I hope this project isn't too big for a perk/quest and could work with the most of other mod.

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