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Sexy Walk Again


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I tried contacting Mur_Zik over in the Oblivion forum and I sent a pm about adapting his Oblivion sexy walk for Fallout 3 but so far have gotten no response.


I'd like to try my hand at it but do not know where to start. I know about nif scope and Blender. Have not used either yet.


It's possible because other animations like Umba's have been ported.


This is for my personal use. If I get it working I'll pm Mur_Zik again about getting permission to post it for others to use.


So please give me an idea of where to start. Is it simple or complex to do? I'm not interested in reinventing the wheel so please don't tell me to start from scratch.



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To be honest, all of the animations would need changing, even the creatures that have a real life counterpart are animated weirdly.


What bugs me the most though is, that for some reason Bethesda thinks that sneaking is moving crouched with your knees bent, and when not moving, you squat. That is so far from reality, that I don't even know where to begin on giving pointers how it's done in Real Life (the one that I did have too once... ;)


I personally see the "sneak mode" as a "combat ready" mode. And as such, it would need some animation changes for moving and stationary.


I know something about sneaking as a former Special Forces instructor, with Recon as my main field. Just look at some document where SAS, Seals or even SWAT moves, and you see how it is done in real life ;) They don't crouch, unless they try to remain unseen behind cover or moving under windows. Crawling is the only way to get close enough to the enemy to touch them, and that itself is very hard. And squatting is the most unstable possible position to fire a weapon, even running sideways (another very stupid thing to do) and firing is more accurate :)


The Fallout Reanimated makes the game more tolerable, but even those ones are not even close to realistic. :)


I still like the game and play it, I just pretend I'm not squatting all over the wasteland... (that would be very pervert, unless I roleplay myself having weak stomach) :)


On the actual topic: I would like to see women walking like women too. :)

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That one is ok but way too slow. My favorite is the Mur_Zik 50% faster walk with facial expressions although it's still not compatible with bouncing boobs.


Found here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18125


The sexy walks compilation is the best as it lets you pick the speed and option to use it on Golden Saints and Dark Seducers.


I'm reading some tutorials on animation trying to figure out how to port this walk into Fallout 3. It might be as simple as renaming in nif scope and exporting. Or it might be more involved. I don't know yet.


Mur_Zik seems to be Russian and has not responded to messages about porting the sexy walk either in the forum or in a pm. He or she is obviously a talented animator.

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